Digital Government

Outsourcing Cyber Expertise

A California lawmaker is questioning whether the Homeland Security Department and other agencies should have more cybersecurity responsibilities, particularly given the shortage of qualified workers, <a href="">reports</a>. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., said during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing that it may make more sense for the government to outsource some cybersecurity functions to contractors, despite a current trend in government to move more functions in-house.

Digital Government

Telework Tips

Last Thursday, I moderated a webinar on the current state of telework programs across the federal government. Joining me were two special guests - Jennifer Carignan, an associate manager for research at the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service, and Danette Campbell, senior telework advisor at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office - who both gave excellent presentations on what's next for federal telework.

Digital Government

Reforming Federal Hiring

The Office of Personnel Management on Friday held a public meeting on its efforts to overhaul the federal hiring process, and my colleague Emily Long has all the <a href="">details</a> of the meeting at

Digital Government

OPM Announces First LEAD Graduates

The Office of Personnel Management on Monday recognized the first graduates of its new Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) certificate program, and two notable technology leaders are among the program's graduates.

Digital Government

Agencies Fall Short on Web 2.0

Government agencies are falling short when it comes to using social networks, online communities and websites to engage with citizens, new research suggests.

Digital Government

Panel Approves Training Bill

A Senate panel on Thursday passed legislation that would require federal agencies to provide managers and supervisors with interactive training within one year of promotion to a supervisory position.

Digital Government

Next Gen Government Trends

GovLoop has <a href="">announced</a> the winners of a recent video contest that asked participants to create a short and inspiring video on "Why are you the next generation of government?" It's no surprise that all of the winning entries included some focus on how technology and a flexible workplace are key to the next generation of government leaders.

Digital Government

What's Up With IT?

HP announced last week that it is launching a social network specifically aimed at IT professionals. The website, called <a href="">48Upper</a>, includes popular social networking tools and collaborative knowledge sharing, all aimed at bringing down the stereotype of IT professionals as "being introverted, pessimistic loners," according to the website. The social network even includes a video showing IT professionals laughing, dancing and cartwheeling, leaving other workers asking, "What is up with IT?" and "Have you ever seen an IT guy happy?"

Digital Government

Top 100 IT Organizations

Computerworld on Monday released its <a href="">2010 list of the 100 Best Places to Work in IT</a>. The list, which is compiled based on reader nominations, had only one federal winner -- the United States Postal Service -- which came in at 93. Several government contractors, such as CDW, Grant Thornton and Raytheon, also made the cut.

Digital Government

More Reliance on IT Contractors?

A new report suggests that federal spending on information technology will grow significantly over the next five years, and that could result in the federal government having to rely more on outside expertise in order to meet increasing demand.

Digital Government

Enough Tools to Telework?

Ninety-three percent of federal employees believe it is important that they continue working during an emergency or disaster, and a clear majority of those employees believe they have the tools and resources to function remotely, according to a new study by the Government Business Council and CDW Government.

Digital Government

A Different Future

The Army focuses on discrete, networked combat systems.

Digital Government

HR Leaders Tout Social Media

Human resource leaders overwhelmingly believe that social media and Web 2.0 technologies can improve communication, bringer greater efficiency to the workplace and provide insight about workers' interests and motivations, according to a recent <a href="">study</a> by Birkman International.

Digital Government

Federal Pay Freeze Defeated, Again

The Senate on Thursday rejected an amendment that would have frozen the 2011 pay increase for federal workers and cut the size of the government workforce.

Digital Government

Talking Telework

On Thursday, June 24, I'll be moderating a webinar on federal telework initiatives and what's next for telework across the federal government. As I've written about before in Wired Workplace, Congress is <a href="">considering legislation</a> that would eventually require 20 percent of the eligible federal workforce to telework at least one day per week. The Office of Personnel Management also is piloting a <a href="">Results-Only Work Environment</a> program that allows 400 federal employees to decide when and where to work, as long as they meet high performance standards.

Digital Government

Tougher Standards for Cyber Training?

The federal government must create robust training standards for cybersecurity workers and continually validate that those standards are effective, an expert on cybersecurity issues told a Senate committee on Tuesday.

Digital Government

Improving IT Managers

Legislation introduced in the House on Tuesday would require federal managers and supervisors to undergo more extensive leadership and mentorship training.

Digital Government

Setting Standards for Cyber Pros

A forthcoming report that will <a href="">recommend new standards for testing cybersecurity skills</a> and create cyber career paths in the federal government is a positive step for securing the talent necessary to ensure computer networks and systems are protected, an expert on cybersecurity issues said last week.

Digital Government

OPM Finalizes New Leave Benefits

The Office of Personnel Management on Monday finalized a regulation that expands the definition of "family member" for purposes of determining leave and long-term care benefits. The regulations, published in the <a href=""><em>Federal Register</em></a>, modify definitions of "family member" and "immediate relative" for determining use of sick leave, funeral leave, voluntary leave transfer, voluntary leave bank and emergency leave transfer.

Digital Government

Bill Proposes Cyber Workforce Reforms

A bipartisan group of lawmakers on Thursday unveiled yet another bill that would help the government respond to a major cybersecurity attack.