Digital Government

Transitioning Out of NSPS

The Pentagon said Wednesday that it will temporarily cut pay raises in half for more than 11,000 civilian workers transitioning out of the derailed National Security Personnel System.

Digital Government

More Jobs, Better Salaries for IT Pros

Nearly three-quarters of private sector technology recruiters and hiring managers expect to add more staff in the second half of 2010, with 30 percent saying salaries are increasing for new hires, according to a new report by

Digital Government

Another Call to Cut Federal Pay

A new report by the libertarian Cato Institute marks the latest call for the government to freeze or cut federal wages and start overhauling federal benefits to reduce costs.

Digital Government

Next Generation of Government

The differences among the four generations in the federal workforce has been a hot topic for quite some time, with much of the chatter focused on the so-called drastic differences in the way the Millennial generation works and communicates. The younger cadre of federal workers have been talked about as having different goals, ideas and expectations in the workplace, and many have come to work for the government because they are passionate about the mission and affecting change.

Digital Government

Boosting Cyber Skills

My colleague Jill Aitoro <a href="">wrote</a> on Friday about a forthcoming draft report that details ways to expand the qualified pool of job candidates for federal cybersecurity jobs. The report, to be released by the Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency, will include a set of recommendations to ensure federal employees and contractors receive the ongoing training necessary to ensure computer networks and systems are protected.

Digital Government

Tech Hiring On the Rise

The majority of employers and recruiters anticipate hiring more professionals in the second half of 2010, according to a new survey by Dice Holdings, a provider of career websites for professional communities, including information technology and security clearance.

Digital Government

Performance-Based Pay

Amelia Gruber at <em>Government Executive</em> <a href="">writes</a> about a new report from the National Academy of Public Administration that endorses the implementation of a performance-based pay system for intelligence employees at the Defense Department. The current program - the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System - is soundly designed and shows no evidence that it contributes to problems with diversity, NAPA noted in the report to Congress and the Defense Secretary.

Digital Government

Obama Extends Same-Sex Benefits

The Obama administration on Wednesday ordered federal agencies to extend several benefits to the same-sex domestic partners of federal employees. In a <a href="">memo</a> to agency heads, Obama identified several benefits that could be provided to same-sex partners under existing law and ordered the Office of Personnel Management to issue regulations that would:

Digital Government

Freezing Federal Hiring?

Freezing the 2010 pay raise for civilian federal workers is not the only target of several lawmakers in Congress. A bill <a href="">unveiled</a> in the House late last month would stop agencies from hiring during any year the Office of Management and Budget projects a budget deficit for the federal government.

Digital Government

OPM Broadens Long-Term Care Benefits

The Office of Personnel Management on Tuesday released <a href="">final regulations</a> that broaden the definition of "family member" for purposes of determining long-term care benefits. The final rules, published in the <em>Federal Register</em>, modify the definition of relatives qualified to participate in the Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program to include the same-sex domestic partners of federal employees and retirees. The final rule is the same as a <a href="">September 2009 draft version</a>.

Digital Government

Recruiting Federal Service Ambassadors

The Partnership for Public Service is recruiting federal interns to serve as ambassadors of federal service on college and university campuses. Those chosen to participate in the program will participate in events, networking sessions and meetings with key faculty and staff members, all with the goal of raising awareness of the opportunities and benefits of federal service, the Partnership announced Tuesday.

Digital Government

Gen Y Values Privacy

Younger Internet users are actually more careful about protecting their online privacy than their older counterparts, according to a new <a href="">study</a> by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

Digital Government

Outlook for Public Service Academy

GovLoop's featured <a href="">project of the week</a> is the campaign to create a U.S. Public Service Academy, on par with the nation's military academies, to inject prestige into federal service and highlight the importance of government work. The post touts the need for such an institution, particularly as the government faces a serious shortage of public servants as more than 90 percent of the federal government's leadership becomes eligible to retire over the next decade.

Digital Government

Obama Opposes 1.9 Percent Pay Boost

President Obama on Thursday voiced his opposition to authorizing a 1.9 percent pay raise for military members in the fiscal 2011 Defense authorization bill. In a <a href="">statement of administration policy</a>, the president stood by his February budget request of a 1.4 percent increase for military personnel. Obama's support for a 1.4 percent military pay raise could have implications for the 2011 federal pay raise, as the president promised in late 2009 to ensure pay parity between military members and federal civilians in 2011.

Digital Government

Are Training Dollars Spent Wisely?

A Republican senator is asking questions about how much is being spent by the federal government to train high-level workers in the executive branch.

Digital Government

Generation Standby

I <a href="">wrote</a> on Monday about a study that found the Millenial Generation values an organization's culture more than its access to technology when deciding where to apply for a job. But another study by security firm Clearswift finds that members of all generations value the permission to use the Internet at work for personal reasons more than they value other benefits such as job titles and even pay.

Digital Government

YouCut Targets Federal Pay

Cutting the Obama administration's proposed 1.4 percent pay increase for federal employees in 2011 is on the radar of Republican lawmakers yet again.

Digital Government

Senate Passes Telework Bill

The Senate on Monday voted unanimously to pass legislation to expand telework opportunities in the federal government.

Digital Government

Attracting Gen Y

Offering a mobile work environment, easy access to the office and high-tech amenities should be top priorities for organizations looking to attract and retain the Generation Y workforce, new research suggests.

Digital Government

Agencies Insourcing Tech Jobs

Federal agencies have largely been focusing on the potential for information technology-related work to be insourced back to federal employees, witnesses told a Senate subcommittee on Thursday.