Digital Government

Should Feds Take a Pay Cut?

Media company McClatchy is <a href="">asking</a> its readers whether federal employees, like many Americans, should be asked to take a pay cut. The private sector job market is not expected to reach its pre-recession hiring levels until 2015 or later, the article states, but the federal government suffers no such recessionary hangover.

Digital Government

Senate Passes Hiring Reform Bill

The Senate late Tuesday approved legislation to streamline the federal government's hiring and recruitment process, forcing agencies to develop strategic workforce plans and fill job vacancies in no more than 80 days.

Digital Government

Luring IT Pros to Switch Jobs

Employers are looking beyond traditional venues such as job announcements and career fairs to find fresh technology talent; they're also approaching employed technology professionals, a new survey finds.

Digital Government

Stalling Same-Sex Benefits?

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that legislation to provide benefits to same-sex domestic partners of federal employees would cost the government more than $300 million over the next decade, an issue that could stall efforts to pass the bill this year.

Digital Government

Is Understaffing Holding Back Tech?

Understaffing is interfering at least somewhat with the ability of many organizations to implement innovative or emerging technologies, according to a new survey by Robert Half Technology.

Digital Government

HR Tech Goes Cloudy

New research suggests that more human resources professionals are turning to cloud-based solutions to meet key business challenges and close effectiveness gaps that currently exist between HR priorities and HR systems.

Digital Government

IT Grads Seeing Higher Salaries

The job market is looking a little brighter for college graduates this spring, particularly for those with information technology degrees, <a href="">reports</a>.

Digital Government

Debate on 2011 Pay Raise Kicks Off

The debate over the 2011 federal pay raise has begun, and if President Obama makes good on his promise to ensure pay parity between federal civilians and military personnel, federal workers could see a raise of 1.9 percent next year.

Digital Government

OPM's Tech-Savvy Strategy

The Office of Personnel Management is taking a tech-friendly approach to the <a href="">federal hiring overhaul</a> unveiled by the Obama administration on Tuesday.

Digital Government

Obama Unveils Hiring Reforms

The Obama administration on Tuesday unveiled <a href="">plans</a> to reform and revolutionize the process agencies use to hire government workers.

Digital Government

Are Generational Stereotypes Useful?

Tom Fox of the Partnership for Public Service tackles the question of whether generational stereotypes are real in Monday's <a href="">Federal Coach column</a>. Fox argues that there may be real differences among the four generations in the federal workforce today, but conventional wisdom may not always be accurate. As a result, federal leaders should spend time asking questions and getting to know each member of the team in order to gain perspective on what motivates each employee, regardless of their generation. Leaders also should make sure they're looking for talent that matches the needs of today, rather than seeking traits that already exist, Fox advises.

Digital Government

Bonuses Tied to Agency IT Security

Federal agencies could miss out on special awards and bonuses if cybersecurity legislation introduced in the House on Thursday becomes law.

Digital Government

Cyber Workers Need Training

A new report by Cisco and (ISC)2 highlights the importance of training and obtaining professional certifications to current and future federal information security workers, particularly as chief information security officers increasingly move into more managerial and policy-focused roles.

Digital Government

Barriers to Work-Life Balance

While the federal government has made some progress in improving employee work-life balance, management resistance and a lack of coordinated programs often cause agencies to underutilize telework and other flexibility programs, witnesses told a Senate subcommittee on Tuesday.

Digital Government

Cultural Barriers

I <a href="">wrote</a> on Monday about how the intelligence community is using virtual career fairs as a way to save money and draw the kinds of tech-savvy candidates it is seeking. Late last month, the Veterans Administration and the Labor Department also held a virtual job fair exclusively for veterans and military spouses. The online event, which used a virtual platform developed by, included virtual booths where participants could learn about job opportunities at various public and private sector organizations, submit resumes and take part in virtual interviews.

Digital Government

OPM's OpenGov Plan

The Office of Personnel Management's open government plan ranked in the top five of all federal agencies creating such plans to improve transparency and collaboration, according to a recent <a href="">audit</a> by

Digital Government

Virtual Career Fairs

Katherine McIntire Peters <a href="">writes</a> at <em>Government Executive</em> about the intelligence community's <a href="">push</a> to host virtual career fairs as a way to save money and draw the kind of tech-savvy candidates it is seeking. The idea started at the National Security Agency, which generated 2,200 resumes within 12 hours after its first virtual career fair in February 2009.

Digital Government

Effective IT Managers

The Office of Personnel Management testified on Thursday that most agencies are going above and beyond when it comes to complying with a 2004 law that requires managers to undergo training on areas such as employee mentoring, conducting performance appraisals and dealing with poor performers.

Digital Government

Tech Jobs Declined 4 Percent in 2009

The U.S. high-tech industry shed a total of 245,600 jobs in 2009, for a total of 5.9 million workers, according to a new report by TechAmerica.

Digital Government

Incentives for IT Workers

Federal agencies must beef up incentive payment programs in order to recruit and retain future federal information technology workers, according to a new report by the Federal Chief Information Officers Council.