Digital Government

Generational Views on Privacy

Wired Workplace was in San Francisco on Thursday covering the RSA Conference. Given my interest in generational issues, I was particularly interested in a session titled "Security and the Generation Gap," conducted by Bruce Schneier, a technologist and leading author on security issues. I expected the session to focus on some of the research about how different generations, particularly Millennials, perceive information security and privacy. Instead, the session focused on the responsibilities that all generations currently hold to protect privacy and ensure individuals, not technological systems, have control.

Digital Government

E-Retirement System on the Way?

Modernizing the federal government's retirement system, including moving from paper to electronic records, has long been a priority of the Office of Personnel Management. But as I <a href="">reported</a> back in 2008, modernizing the system has not been without its challenges.

Digital Government

Outlook Bright for Federal IT Jobs

A new survey finds that even in the tough economy, the job outlook for information security professionals within the federal government remains strong, largely due to the Obama administration's focus on improving cybersecurity.

Digital Government

Cyber Plan Invests in Workforce

The White House on Tuesday unveiled the unclassified version of its <a href="">Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative</a>, the government's plan to secure public and private sector computer networks. Availability of the plan, which was announced by White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt at the RSA Conference in San Francisco, consists of 12 major priorities, including building a top-notch cybersecurity workforce.

Digital Government

Social Media: Is Defense Unique?

The Defense Department on Friday <a href="">unveiled</a> its new policy allowing military members and civilians to access social media Web sites from the agency's unclassified network. Price B. Floyd, principal deputy assistant secretary of Defense for public affairs, said last week that the new policy is an attempt to change the culture at the department, particularly as young people, many of whom have grown up using social media sites like Facebook, join the military, the American Forces Press Service <a href="">reports</a>.

Digital Government

Twitter Trends

A recent <a href="">study</a> by comScore provides new insights for federal agencies into how different generations are using social networking sites. Most notably, the study suggests that Twitter use is up significantly among the younger generation. For example, use of the microblogging Web site from December 2008 to December 2009 was up 6.2 percent among those under age 18, and up 7.9 percent among 18 to 24-year-olds, the study found.

Digital Government

Got Clearance? Got More Money

IT professionals holding an active federal security clearance maintained a compensatory advantage over their not-cleared counterparts. Some security-cleared IT professionals earn as much as 12 percent more in salary, according to a <a href="">survey</a> by

Digital Government

OPM's 2010 Employee Survey

The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday announced that it has begun to distribute the 2010 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. The survey will be distributed governmentwide through mid-March, and OPM will invite more than half a million federal workers to participate.

Digital Government

Navy's Top IT Priorities

Navy Department Chief Information Officer Robert Carey recently wrote a <a href="">blog post</a> highlighting his top 10 priorities for the department in 2010, and it's no surprise that workforce issues are front and center.

Digital Government

Portrait of Generation Next

A new <a href="">report</a> by the Pew Research Center provides new insights into the views and personalities of the 18-to-29-year-old Millennial generation, particularly when it comes to technology.

Digital Government

OPM to Launch Online Recruiting Portal

The Office of Personnel Management is building a new Web-based recruiting resource to assist managers, employees and human resources professionals in the planning and implementation of recruiting strategies and promote interagency sharing and learning through online forums.

Digital Government

Transitioning Out of NSPS

If you're a federal IT employee working under the Defense Department's National Security Personnel System, you may be transitioning back to the General Schedule pay system much earlier than expected.

Digital Government

VA Staffing Shortage

Several major IT projects at the Veterans Affairs Department are being hampered by a shortage of experienced federal IT project managers, <a href=""><em>Federal Computer Week</em></a> reports.

Digital Government

Are IT Careers a Dead End?

Sharyn Leaver of Forrester Research has an interesting <a href="">blog post</a> at about how baby boomers and Generation Xers are steering the younger Millennial generation away from careers in information technology, largely because trends toward outsourcing and cost-cutting are draining the field of its career opportunities.

Digital Government

Gen Y: Beliefs vs. Realities

Federal managers have long expressed concern over how the Generation Y workforce would shake up the federal government with their short attention spans, high expectations and tech-savvy ways of communicating. <a href="">highlights</a> some of the commonly held assumptions about Generation Y's expectations in the workplace, as well as how IT leaders have responded to those expectations.

Digital Government

IT Lessons from Snowmageddon

A new report by CDW-G suggests that there may be some valuable lessons for federal IT leaders in the aftermath of last week's snowstorms that shut down federal agencies in the Washington, D.C., area for more than four days. The report, "Seven Habits of Highly Resilient Organizations," provides activities that federal IT executives should undertake to ensure that interruption to agency operations during weather disruptions or other emergencies is minimal.

Digital Government

Luring Young IT Workers

The Defense Department is creating a new manual to help federal agencies attract the next generation of technology workers, <a href="">reports</a>.

Digital Government

Recruiting Vets for Info Security Jobs

Commission and now the new director of government affairs for (ISC)2, said he has been working with (ISC)2, the Government Advisory Board and the Information Systems Security Association for more than two years on an initiative that aims to bring more veterans into federal information security jobs. "They [veterans] are particularly adept, already trained and have security clearances," he said. "That would be a golden opportunity to take advantage of."

Digital Government

OPM to Review 3Rs Bonuses

The Office of Personnel Management has launched an effort to enhance the oversight of recruitment, relocation and retention (3R) bonuses, largely due to concerns about the continued growth of such payments given recent labor market conditions.

Digital Government

More Incentives for Teleworkers?

The record blizzard that has shut down federal agencies in Washington for four consecutive days has drawn a flurry of articles on how the government must significantly boost the number of federal employees who telework.