Digital Government

The IT and HR Disconnect

A disconnect exists between information technology managers and the human resources professionals who assist them when it comes to increasing IT workers' motivation, according to the February issue of the <a href="">Dice Report</a>.

Digital Government

Top IT Management Challenges

Government information technology leaders will need to embrace new ideas and approaches in order to address a wide range of technical and management challenges, including increasing transparency and boosting cross-agency collaboration, according to a new <a href="">survey</a> by InformationWeek.

Digital Government

Advice on Improving IT Workforce

The Obama administration's fiscal 2011 budget proposal laid out <a href="">several priorities for the federal IT workforce</a>, including hiring reform, boosting recruitment and retention, replacing retiring workers and implementing a governmentwide collaboration platform.

Digital Government

OPM Launches OpenGov Web Site

The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday launched its new <a href="">open government Web site</a>. The new site is in response to President Obama's open government directive, which was issued on Dec. 8 and instructs agencies how to make the federal government more open, how to bring citizens into the policy-making process and how to collaborate with other government employees, the public and private industry. The directive requires agencies to create within 60 days an open government Web site and publish within 120 days an open government plan that describes how it will improve transparency and boost public participation.

Digital Government

Fed Health Plans Commit to Health IT

The Office of Personnel Management on Friday released a list of 45 health plans in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program that have made a commitment to health information technology through offering Internet-based personal health records and providing online tools for accessing health care quality, and price and cost information.

Digital Government

Teleworking Through the Storm

Federal agencies in the Washington, D.C. area will close four hours early on Friday due to a major snowstorm. Alyssa Rosenberg <a href="">writes</a> at <em>Government Executive</em> that the latest snowstorm has drawn attention to the administration's efforts to increase telework at federal agencies.

Digital Government

Cyber Workforce Take in House Bill

The House on Thursday passed a bill that would require the White House to submit a report to Congress on the current and future needs of the federal cybersecurity workforce.

Digital Government

The Retirement Wave Opportunity

An aging federal workforce combined with rapid technological change have long been considered as challenges to future government performance. The <a href="">fiscal 2011 budget proposal</a> unveiled by the White House on Monday again poses such issues as pending challenges for government, but it also highlights the potential opportunities they may bring.

Digital Government

The Budget's Personnel Priorities

The fiscal 2011 budget proposal unveiled by the White House on Monday identifies several high-priority goals for the Office of Personnel Management over the next two years.

Digital Government

2011 Budget Invests in IT Workforce

The federal The Chief Information Officers Council plans to conduct a governmentwide IT workforce survey in 2010 to help enable agency managers to identify future workforce needs, according to the <a href="">budget documents</a> released on Monday.

Digital Government

White House Proposes 1.4 Percent Pay Raise

Digital Government

A 1.4% Proposed 2011 Pay Raise?

The White House is scheduled to release its fiscal 2011 budget blueprint on Feb. 1, and federal employees will be anxious to learn the Obama administration's proposal for federal pay in 2011. If history is a guide, and the president follows his promise to ensure pay parity between military members and federal civilians, federal employees should be in line for a 1.4 percent pay raise in 2011.

Digital Government

IT Takeaways from SOTU

In his State of the Union address on Wednesday evening, President Obama proposed extending a student loan forgiveness program to students who commit 10 years to public service careers. Obama's proposal appears to be an <a href="">extension of the 2007 College Cost Reduction Act</a>, which took effect in July 2009 and allows students to tailor payments made on federal loans to their incomes. Federal loans they have not paid off after 10 years of public service are forgiven in their entirety. The law does not apply to private loans, however, and public servants must make at least 120 monthly payments on the loan while in a qualifying job for their remaining debt to be erased.

Digital Government

IT Skills Shortage?

Don Tennant at IT Business Edge <a href="">tackles</a> an interesting question of whether there is a shortage of skilled information technology professionals in the United States. The answer, he says, depends on who you ask.

Digital Government

OPM Halts Plans to Restrict SSN Use

The Office of Personnel Management on Wednesday <a href="">announced</a> it was withdrawing plans to create a consistent policy for restricting the use of federal employees' Social Security numbers by agencies to help combat fraud and identity theft.

Digital Government

Intel Wants Cyber, IT Experts

The federal intelligence community will hold a virtual job fair on March 16, and the community is seeking culturally diverse and technically savvy applicants for a number of jobs, including cybersecurity, engineering, information technology and intelligence analysis. The virtual job fair will enable job seekers to connect to the IC via their computer to explore career opportunities, visit virtual booths, chat with recruiters, network with other job seekers and apply for job openings.

Digital Government

OPM Unveils New USAJobs

The Office of Personnel Management on Monday unveiled its revamped <a href=""></a>, the government's primary job search Web site. In a press conference on Monday, OPM touted the new site as easier to navigate, more streamlined and more personal, largely because it enables applicants to better refine job search results, as well as share job search information on Facebook, Twitter and other social networking Web sites.

Digital Government

Federal HR Meets Social Media

A new <a href="">report</a> from the Human Capital Institute and Saba estimates that 66 percent of local, state and federal government agencies currently use some form of social networking, including blogs, wikis, instant messaging and online discussion boards, as part of their recruitment and/or talent management strategies.

Digital Government

Bring 'Em Back

The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday unveiled a <a href="">memo</a> sent to chief human capital officers earlier this month, outlining a new flexibility that enables agencies to use dual compensation waivers to rehire retired federal annuitants. The new authority, which was signed into law in October as part of the fiscal 2010 Defense Authorization Act, is designed to help agencies bring back retired workers to share knowledge and mentor the younger workforce.

Digital Government

Improving IT Performance

The White House on Thursday held a forum on modernizing government with more than 50 of the nation's top chief executive officers. As Wired Workplace <a href="">noted last week</a>, federal labor groups were also involved in the conversation, offering insight into how the government can streamline operations, improve budgeting for technology projects, and become a better employer.