Digital Government

Resume Black Hole <a href="">provides</a> some new tips on how to find out if hiring managers are checking you out on social networking Web sites, blogs, personal Web sites, etc. By monitoring the traffic to these personal Web sites, job applicants can determine if their resume has fallen into the "abyss of disinterest," the article states.

Digital Government

Tech and the TSP

Federal employees who use Apple's iPhone can now download a new application that enables them to check the status of the various Thrift Savings Plan funds. The <a href="">application</a>, called F.R.U., is free of cost and provides a quick overview of the daily price changes for each TSP fund, a glance at weekly and monthly performance and a price graph.

Digital Government

Social Media for Résumé-Building

Dan Schawbel <a href="">advises</a> on of the 10 best social media Web sites for résumé building. The Web sites allow users to create their own résumé-like profiles, edit résumés online, have experts review them, print them, share them on social networks, etc.

Digital Government

Agencies Pay More Student Loans

Federal agencies increased their spending on student loan repayments for employees by 22 percent in 2008, and the incentives were widely used for recruiting and retaining information technology workers, according to a new <a href="">report</a> by the Office of Personnel Management.

Digital Government

Can Technology Fill Staffing Gap?

I <a href="">spoke</a> with Craig Newmark, founder of, a bit last week about innovative Web 2.0 projects in the federal government and what projects have potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the workforce.

Digital Government

Time-In-Grade May Not Go Away

The Office of Personnel Management is withdrawing its plan to abolish the one-year time-in-grade requirement for federal employee promotions. OPM <a href="">announced</a> in the <em>Federal Register</em> on Tuesday that it would withdraw proposed regulations to abolish the time-in-grade rule after the agency determined that it would be more productive to consider the merits of the time-in-grade issue as part of a more comprehensive review of pay, performance and staffing issues.

Digital Government

Roosevelt Scholars

Alex Parker over at <em>Government Executive</em> writes that lawmakers have renewed their push to pass the Roosevelt Scholars Act (H.R. 3510), which would create scholarships for graduate students in exchange for a federal service commitment. The increased attention to the effort comes amid new reports that the government needs a more robust workforce with a range of skills, particularly in the <a href="">cybersecurity arena</a>.

Digital Government

Training IT Workers On the Cheap

<a href="">Computerworld</a> has the goods on how organizations can offer their information technology workers valuable training, even when budgets are tight. While the article is aimed at the private sector, I think there's some valuable advice for training federal IT workers as well.

Digital Government

Point-Counterpoint is running a <a href="">series of debates</a> about generational issues in the workplace. Over the next four weeks, James Hamilton and Dudley B. Dawson, both workplace reporters, will go head-to-head on issues such as Generation Y's impact on the workplace, employee loyalty, flexible work schedules and pay. The readers decide the winner of each topic. I plan to give my two cents, and I'm anxious to see which writer comes out on top.

Digital Government

Newmark on Gov 2.0, IT Workers

Wired Workplace sat down with Craig Newmark, founder of, on Thursday in San Francisco to talk about Government 2.0, the generational divide and other federal IT workforce issues.

Digital Government

Frontline Workers Leading Web 2.0

Younger employees are leading the drive in the private sector to adopt new technologies to network, communicate and collaborate will colleagues.

Digital Government

Moving Up

The Merit Systems Protection Board recently <a href="">conducted a survey</a> of career federal employees asking them what they believe are the top 10 career accelerators. In its July 2009 Issues of Merit newsletter, MSPB highlighted the results from its 2007 career advancement survey, which indicated that federal employees believe it's both "who you know" and "what you know" that moves you up the federal career ladder.

Digital Government

Why Social Media Matters

Young Government Leaders has a great <a href="">article</a> in this week's Fedmanager newsletter recapping a July 22 luncheon on why social media and innovation matter to the next generation of government leaders. The bottom line, YGL writes, is that while young federal workers may come across as a bit too casual, their authenticity enables them to establish trust quickly and work effectively in teams.

Digital Government

NASA's Ambassadors

NASA has announced the selection of the first participants for its first Innovation Ambassadors program, which will enable some of NASA's most talented scientists and engineers to work at several of America's leading innovative external research and development organizations. During assignments of up to one year, the four ambassadors will share their own expertise while learning about innovative products, processes and business models, and upon returning to NASA, can share new ideas with co-workers and implement innovations within their own organizations.

Digital Government

How Different Generations Use Web 2.0

A new <a href="">survey</a> from Anderson Analytics examines how different generations are using social networking Web sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn. For example, the survey found that the top reasons for joining a social network across all generations is to keep in touch with friends or for fun. But the study also found that the older a user, the more likely they are to be a Facebook or Twitter user.

Digital Government

Time and Space

I've been an avid reader of Tim Wright's <a href="">special package of articles</a> on this week about generations in the workplace. Today, Wright <a href="">notes</a> that the differences among the four generations in the workplace are getting a lot of attention, and all sorts of differences keep cropping up.

Digital Government

Senate Committee OKs Hiring Bill

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved a bill on Wednesday to streamline the federal recruiting and hiring process. The bill (<a href="">S. 736</a>) requires agencies to:

Digital Government

OPM Plan Available for Comment

The Office of Personnel Management has posted its <a href="">proposed strategic plan</a> on its Web site.

Digital Government

Best Places to Work Guide

The Partnership for Public Service and TMP Government has released a <a href="">guide</a> to accompany its 2009 Best Places To Work in the Federal Government rankings, which evaluate employee satisfaction across 278 federal agencies and subcomponents. The new two-part guide provides tips, tools and guidelines to provide agency managers with a clear understanding of how to use the Best Places To Work data to improve workplace performance and organizational effectiveness.

Digital Government

OPM Plan Goes Public

My former beat partner Alyssa Rosenberg <a href="">writes</a> at <em>Government Executive</em> that the Office of Personnel Management will allow federal employees and the public to comment on the agency's proposed strategic plan. OPM's technology will let the public track debate on the plan during the four weeks it is available for comment online.