Digital Government

Five Social Networking Keys

Tim Wright has an interesting post on about the top five social networking sites those of older generations should take a peek at in an attempt to understand and engage with Generation Y. Simply taking one hour to look at these social networks, Wright argues, "will enhance

Digital Government

Three Challenges for Cybersecurity

The federal government's need for attracting and retaining cybersecurity expertise has been making a lot of headlines lately, especially in light of the cyberattacks that knocked a few U.S. and South Korean Web sites off line earlier this month. A <a href="">report</a> released last week by the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton found that a successful government scholarship program that graduates about 120 students each year and places them in federal cybersecurity jobs is not coming close to meeting the demand for such expertise. Officials estimate that between 500 and 1,000 such graduates are needed each year.

Digital Government

A Look at Generation Z

Penelope Trunk has an interesting <a href="">post</a> on the Brazen Careerist blog about what Generation Z (those born between the mid-1990s through the 2000s) will be like at work.

Digital Government

Cyber Challenge

The Center for Strategic and International Studies has launched the <a href="">U.S. Cyber Challenge</a>, a new effort to recruit 10,000 young Americans with the skills to fill the nation's cybersecurity ranks.

Digital Government 2.0

Marking the 19th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Labor Department has revamped <a href=""></a> to include social media tools and encourage interaction and feedback. The new Web site allows visitors to sign up for personalized news and updates, participate in online discussions and suggest resources for the site. It also includes a Twitter feed, RSS feeds, a blog, social bookmarking and a user-friendly platform to obtain answers to questions on such topics as finding employment and job accommodations.

Digital Government

NASA's Job Numbers

NASA is holding off on providing updated projections on the number of jobs that may be lost within its highly technical workforce as it retires the space shuttle and transitions to its new moon program. The third edition of the <a href="">NASA Space Shuttle Workforce Transition Strategy report</a>, released on Wednesday, provides workforce estimates only through fiscal 2010, while the shuttle will still be flying.

Digital Government

Getting Serious About Gov 2.0

Craig Newmark, founder of, has a great <a href="">piece</a> on on the value of technology in government and about the shared responsibility we all have in transforming the way government works.

Digital Government

Social Media Survey

The Call To Serve initiative -- a joint effort by the Partnership for Public Service and the Office of Personnel Management -- is planning a workshop for September that will focus on federal agencies' use of social media for recruiting. The workshop is part of an annual Effective Hiring Workshop Series for federal agency representatives. In the meantime, the Partnership and OPM are asking federal employees to fill out a survey on what areas should be covered in the workshop.

Digital Government

Outsourcing Cyber Efforts

A <a href="">report</a> on the state of the <a href="">federal cybersecurity workforce</a> released on Wednesday by the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service highlights that there are often good reasons for hiring contractors to fill immediate or short-term hiring needs in the federal government, or when budgetary constraints limit the number of full-time employees an agency can hire. Without an adequate pipeline of talent coming in to fill federal cybersecurity positions, the report states, the response at many agencies has been to turn to contractors to perform sensitive government information technology work, vulnerability analysis, intrusion detection, digital forensics and protocol analysis.

Digital Government

Cyber Insecurity

The federal government must design and implement a coordinated strategic blueprint to recruit and retain cybersecurity expertise in the federal workforce, according to a new report by the Partnership for Public Service. "There's been a lot of attention recently on cybersecurity attacks," said Bob Lavigna, vice president of research at the partnership, on Tuesday. "But [the government] can't win the cybersecurity war unless it wins the war for talent."

Digital Government

Pay Reform for Federal IT

My former beat partner Alyssa Rosenberg has a couple of great stories on <a href="">civil service reform</a> from Monday's Excellence in Government conference sponsored by <em>Government Executive</em>. In a speech, Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry called for a comprehensive overhaul of the federal civil service, from recruitment and hiring to pay and training.

Digital Government

Structuring Your Résumé <a href="">discusses</a> three approaches to structuring your resume so that it's better targeted for the technology job you're applying for.

Digital Government

Filling the Gaps

The Senior Executives Association has launched a survey of GS-14s and 15s or their equivalents to gauge their interest in applying for and serving in the Senior Executive Service, Senior Level and Scientific and Professional positions. The purpose of the survey stems from concerns that many talented and able federal employees do not aspire to positions in the SES, largely because it would mean a loss of locality pay and a guaranteed annual pay raise, increased hours and responsibilities and executive pay overlap with the General Schedule and other personnel systems.

Digital Government

House Passes 2 Percent Pay Raise

The House on Thursday passed legislation that would provide federal employees with a pay increase of 2 percent in 2010. The raise, which is included in the fiscal 2010 financial services and general government appropriations bill, is one of a number of competing proposals for military and civilian pay in House and Senate appropriations bills.

Digital Government

Federal Career Fair

The Partnership for Public Service will host its largest-ever federal job fair at the National Building Museum on July 16, bringing together hundreds of recruiters from 78 federal agencies and more than 3,600 job seekers.

Digital Government

Tech Skills In (Hot) Demand

I <a href="">reported</a> on Wednesday about the top 10 tech skills and certifications that can help job applicants stand out, according to a recent <a href=""> survey</a>. That survey also reports that as of July 1, 48,993 jobs have been posted to the Dice Web site.

Digital Government

Top 10 Tech Skills That Stand Out

A recent <a href="">survey</a> by found that hiring managers are having a difficult time finding job applicants with skills and experience related to the security, efficiency and cost effectiveness of technology, specifically to fill talent voids in areas like networks and databases, and strategies like virtualization and collaboration.

Digital Government

Summer of Gov

On Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of attending the first Summer of Gov event in San Francisco. The event was well-attended by state, local and federal workers and industry representatives, including Craig Newmark, founder of

Digital Government

Across Policy Lines

Norman Ornstein <a href="">writes</a> in Wednesday's <em>Roll Call</em> that rather than merge federal agencies or reorganize the congressional committee system, the federal government should invest in social networking to better govern across policy and issue lines.

Digital Government

Agencies Demand IT Workers

USAJobs has compiled a <a href="">list</a> of the 50 most in-demand jobs at federal agencies over the past four weeks, and it should come as no surprise that information technology positions were some of the most popular.