Digital Government

Evaluating the 3Rs

Officers Council to establish a work group to develop recommendations for improving the administration and oversight of the 3Rs -- recruitment, retention and relocation incentives. The work group will responsible developing approaches for measuring the cost-benefit of the 3Rs program to the government, after which the work group with evaluate what the impact would be on recruitment and retention efforts if agencies were to scale back their funding of the 3Rs.

Digital Government

Improving Work-Life Balance

Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry met with Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, General Services Administration Acting Administrator Paul Prouty and officials from the Federal Reserve Board to discuss ways to create a model federal work-life program that improves the wellness, morale and productivity of federal employees, OPM said on Tuesday.

Digital Government

80 Million Strong -- and Young

Members of a new advocacy group -- the 80 Million Strong for Young American Jobs Coalition -- which represents the collective voices of millions of young Americans, will convene in Washington this week to participate in a summit where they will develop solutions and federal legislation aimed at putting young people to work and getting the economy back on track.

Digital Government

No Shortage of Jobs

<em>The Washington Post</em> <a href="">reports</a> that as the federal government is expected to spend 3.5 percent more on technology services over the next five years, the demand for technology expertise continues to grow. This is largely the result of new government contracts and an increased reliance on technology in nearly every sector of the economy.

Digital Government

Social Recruiting

<em>Federal Computer Week</em> <a href="">reports</a> on how Web 2.0 technologies can help the federal government reach out to a large pool of viable job candidates to help offset the pending wave of retirements.

Digital Government

Channel of Choice

<em>Federal Computer Week</em> <a href="">reports</a> that Facebook has become the channel of choice for many executives in announcing career moves, especially as many news outlets have cut back on their "people" coverage.

Digital Government

More on the Pay Raise

In following up to Wednesday's <a href="">post</a> on the 2010 federal pay raise, Alyssa Rosenberg <a href="">reports</a> that Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin, D-Ill., has unveiled legislation that would provide federal employees with an increase of 2.9 percent in 2010, nearly 1 percent more than the House version allocates for the pay raise.

Digital Government

2010 Pay Raise

The House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday passed legislation that would provide federal civilian employees a fiscal 2010 pay increase of 2 percent. The decision comes after the full House approved a 3.4 percent pay increase for members of the military as part of the fiscal 2010 National Defense Authorization Act. It also comes after the House and Senate passed a budget blueprint in support of pay parity among federal civilians and members of the military.

Digital Government

Facebook Boom In Users Age 55+ <a href="">reports</a> that social networking Web site Facebook has seen a 500 percent boost in users aged 55 and above during the past six months. This adds to the great amount of <a href="">new evidence</a> that points to a blurring of the generational lines when it comes to Web 2.0 use.

Digital Government

Hiring Through Social Media <a href="">reports</a> on how hiring managers at small, mid-size and large companies are increasingly using social networking Web sites to research job candidates before making a job offer. But while social media has become a major part of the hiring process, it takes time and effort to make such Web sites truly useful.

Digital Government

The 2030 Workplace

BBC News <a href="">highlights</a> a new report that speculates what the offices and workplaces of 2030 will be like. The report, by Johnson Controls, a company that designs car and office interiors, predicts that as workforces become more mobile, technology will ensure that everything an employee needs is available no matter where they are.

Digital Government

Hire Power

Wednesday <a href="">marked the deadline</a> for agencies to assign teams to work on the hiring reform efforts laid out in a June 11 memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget. These teams will be responsible for mapping their hiring processes and writing plain-language job descriptions for their 10 most prevalent positions by Sept. 30.

Digital Government

Student Loan Repayments Take Effect

My former beat partner, Alyssa Rosenberg, <a href="">gives the details</a> on the new student loan forgiveness program in Thursday's Pay & Benefits Watch column.

Digital Government

Gov 2.0 Takes Off

<em>San Jose Mercury News</em> <a href="">reports</a> on the explosion of Web 2.0 across the federal government as well as some of the obstacles that remain, including the cultures at some agencies, the absence of technical know-how, strict rules on privacy, security and access for the disabled.

Digital Government

Web 2.0: What Citizens Want

There's little doubt that Web 2.0 technologies have matured at an amazing pace, with many government and public service organizations embracing them to improve their ability to collaborate with and serve citizens. A new <a href="">report</a> by Accenture suggests the new model for governance is to engage citizens electronically and offers a framework for governments to use in evaluating Web 2.0 technologies.

Digital Government

Survey Says: Widening Generation Gap

A <a href="">survey</a> released on Monday by the Pew Research Center found that 79 percent of people believe there is a major difference in the point of view of younger people and older people today. That figure marks the highest percentage since 1969, when 74 percent of people said there was a generation gap.

Digital Government

Tech's Secret Weapon <a href="">reports</a> that smart companies are eagerly working to get employees of all ages to utilize Web 2.0 tools. Their secret weapon:

Digital Government

Latest to the Greatest

I tuned in on Tuesday to the intergenerational workshop headlined by Energy Department researchers Sean Clayton and Jeffrey Vargas. (Alyssa Rosenberg and I highlighted their work in the July 2008 <a href="">cover story</a> of <em>Government Executive</em>). The researchers noted that by 2013, members of Generation Y (aged 18-29) will represent 40 percent of the nation's workforce. As the government moves toward this shift, they said, younger workers should capitalize on their technological expertise. "Technology is your entry card," Vargas said. "It's the way you're going to get managers to listen to you and welcome you as part of the team."

Digital Government

Connecting the Chiefs

Federal Computer Week <a href="">reports</a> that newly-confirmed Chief Performance Officer Jeffrey Zients hopes to bring more cohesiveness to the federal chiefs community, mainly among chief acquisition officers, chief information officers and chief human capital officers.

Digital Government

Productivity Boost

A new <a href="">survey</a> by Kelly Services reports that use of mobile communications technologies such as smartphones and laptops are driving positive changes in employee behavior and a shift in work-life balance.