Digital Government

Inversion of Expectations

Rob Salkowitz <a href=";doc_id=178469">writes</a> over at the Internet Evolution blog on how the long and established cultures at Lockheed Martin and the CIA have actually mitigated the generational issues that often come with adopting Web 2.0 technologies.

Digital Government

Contradictory Goals?

A move by the Obama administration to <a href=";oref=search">review</a> federal contracting practices, clarify the definition of "inherently governmental" and strengthen the federal workforce could be contradictory to its goal of using technology to encourage participatory democracy, according to Dan Mintz, former chief information officer at the Transportation Department and now a chief technology officer at Computer Sciences Corp.

Digital Government

Major Federal HR Conference Announced

My colleague, Alyssa Rosenberg, writes over at FedBlog that Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry has announced a major federal human resources conference for September.

Digital Government

Culture Clash

National Public Radio has an interesting <a href=";pageNum=2&amp;pPageNum=3&amp;pCommentKey=CommentKey:1166bac2-b368-4cc6-9f61-5e1d1a7158ed">piece</a> on how the use of social networking and other technologies are resulting in a culture clash among generations in the workplace.

Digital Government

New Outlet for Cyber Training

This week's issue of the Chronicle for Higher Education <a href="">notes</a> that community colleges are mobilizing to offer cybersecurity programs to prepare students for work in the federal government, especially as the Obama administration looks to boost the government's cyber ranks.

Digital Government

Growing Generation Gaps?

Canada's <i>Calgary Herald</i> has an interesting <a href="">article</a> on how rapidly accelerating technological change is driving new, smaller gaps within generations.

Digital Government

Kundra Meets With Former CIOs

Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra met with former government CIOs who are members of the Senior Advisors to Government Executives, or SAGE, program at the Partnership for Public Service last week. The former CIOs advised Kundra to hone in on three management issues as he sets out to accomplish his technology agenda.

Digital Government

Job Seeker Etiquette


Digital Government

Leveraging Gen Y

Results of a <a href="">recent survey</a> by Deloitte of young professionals, including those in government, indicates that the younger generation is motivated more by non-monetary incentives, including opportunities for growth and development, a culture that embraces contributions from all levels, and creative programs for new ideas and innovations.

Digital Government

More on Rotational Assignments

The House Armed Services Committee <a href="">passed legislation</a> on Tuesday that would authorize the Defense Department to enter into agreements with the private sector to arrange for the temporary assignment of Defense IT professionals to private sector jobs, or for private sector IT professionals to be assigned to Defense organizations.

Digital Government

How Cool Is Your Job?

The SANS Institute has released a list of "<a href="">The 20 Coolest Jobs in Information Security</a>." Many of the jobs on the list are exclusive to public service, while others span multiple sectors. Did your job make the cut?

Digital Government

Social Media Use Explodes

Forty-three percent of the online community now uses social networking Web sites, including Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn, according to a <a href="">report</a> released on Tuesday by the Conference Board and TNS. That figure represents a significant increase from 2008, when 27 percent of the community used such platforms.

Digital Government

To Spacebook and Beyond

Linda Cureton, chief information officer at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, <a href="">wrote</a> in the Goddard CIO Blog late Friday that the center has launched Spacebook, an employee intranet that encourages group collaboration and social bookmarking. The new site mimics Facebook, except that only employees of Goddard can access it.

Digital Government

Boost in DHS' IT Ranks

Federal Computer Week <a href="">reports</a> that the Homeland Security Department's infrastructure protection directorate is looking to hire 621 new employees in the next 18 months to help balance its federal and contracting workforces.

Digital Government

No Generational Divide in Web 2.0

In following up on my Thursday <a href="">post</a> on the Army's reversal of a ban on some Web 2.0 applications, I found this <a href="">article</a> by Hollis Templeton particularly interesting, as it spotlights a growing understanding across government that harnessing Web 2.0 applications is essential to protecting national security, so long as users of those applications know where to draw the line on what should or should not be divulged.

Digital Government

IT and Inherently Governmental

Jeffrey Zients, the first federal chief performance office and management director-designate, <a href="">told</a> the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday that if confirmed, he would support President Obama's call for a clearer definition of inherently governmental work.

Digital Government

More Lifting of Web 2.0 Prohibitions?

Fellow Nextgov blogger Guatham Nagesh posted an <a href="">item</a> on Wednesday about Wired's <a href="">report</a> that the Army ordered its bases to lift barriers on social media Web sites such as Facebook, Flickr and Twitter. The question is, will other military branches and federal agencies follow suit?

Digital Government

Hire Calling

In talking with Norm Lorentz, director in the global public sector practice at Grant Thornton and former chief technology officer at the Office of Management and Budget, on Friday about the challenges and roadblocks to recruiting and retaining top notch IT workers to the federal government, there was one overarching theme: the federal hiring process.

Digital Government

Narrowing the Pay Gap

On Monday, I wrote about how company hiring managers are <a href="">having a difficult time</a> filling critical information security jobs in light of the current economic crisis.

Digital Government

Web 2.0 as an HR Strategy

Companies have increased their reliance on Web 2.0 technologies such as social networking, blogs and webcasts to communicate with and engage their employees, especially as the economic downturn has shrunk funding for human resources, according to the <a href=";page=1">2009 HR Technology Trends report</a> by consulting firm Watson Wyatt.