
Why simple language is a complex challenge

Even with a law to inspire it, getting agencies to write in plain language is tough, says Annetta Cheek of the Center for Plain Language.


US faces new uphill battle in cyberspace

Emerging threats from developing nations will pose new dangers to the nation, according to a cyber official.


NASA scores high on innovation

Feds are gung-ho about innovation, but managers are still on the fence.


Assessing Networx at midlife: Are we there yet?

The transition to the Networx contract, which GSA awarded in 2007, has turned out to be an arduous process marked by slow progress and uncertainty. Will the government finish before the next contract is awarded?


VA fails to communicate clearly; who gets a better grade?

A new report finds few agencies have made progress in meeting the requirements of the 2010 Plain Writing Act.


Hacker humor

Here's a good one from a hunter of hackers.

Digital Government

Is mobility the key to DOD’s future?

Mobile devices have quickly become an important defense asset, and now the department is looking to a mobile future.


Budget cuts, veto risk complicate defense appropriations bill

The House is getting ready to pass the 2013 defense appropriations bill, but the specter of sequestration -- and a possible veto -- loom over the funding plan.

Digital Government

OMB crowdsources regulatory reform

Do you have better ideas than the Obama administration on how to streamline regulations? Now is the time to speak up.


GSA hopes OASIS dries up duplication

Some changes to contracting could save the government a substantial amount of money -- if GSA is right about the potential of a planned new set of contracts called OASIS.


Sequestration portends ominous future for some feds

The expected budget cuts could eradicate many federal jobs, according to a 'bleak but clear-cut' analysis.

Digital Government

Big data: How much is enough?

Everybody's talking about big data, but is it possible to have too much of a good thing? GSA's acting administrator thinks it might just be.


Digital center opens, part of Obama's digital strategy

The Obama administration has launched a center intended to help foster a more mobile-friendly, customer-centric government, with a new leader at the helm.


Frivolous security clearances could diminish government transparency

Does everyone who has a security clearance really need it? At least one lawmaker argues that they don't, and says the effort to issue unneeded clearances comes with a significant cost.


Spotty death reporting hampers SSA databases

Failure to report death information weakens e-Verify, IG finds.


3 tips to make the most of wikis

Wikis have become an integral part of agencies' effort to share and manage information, but using them well requires some changes of habit.


Will the digital strategy change management patterns?

To achieve the plan's goals, federal managers will need to give up some control over employees and information.


7 challenges to 'cloud first'

Agencies are well on their way to the cloud but better planning is needed to fully realize the cloud-first policy.


NASA beefs up telework plan

The space agency seeks to complement its Work From Anywhere program with new mobility strategy.


Collaboration needed to stabilize cyberspace

Alternative approaches to cybersecurity would benefit overall U.S. goals and close cybersecurity gaps.