
Harder times ahead for federal HR leaders

External pressures make the jobs of chief human capital officers harder, but they aren't ready to give up, according to survey.


How BYOD is helping one agency ease the pain of budget cuts

A careful analysis led the EEOC to find a few simple adjustments to make up for lost funds. Here's how they did it.

Digital Government

Prediction: One fourth of federal websites to be mobile-friendly in a year

A GSA official believes agencies are making steady progress at optimizing data for mobile devices, predicting a 'giant step forward' soon.


How DHS is tackling the Digital Government Strategy

The "workplace as a service" program that DHS will debut this fall is just one of several innovative forays into digital government at the department.


USAJobs clears security hurdle

The federal job site gets the green light on cybersecurity.


ODNI redesigns website with social media in mind

The website for the U.S. intelligence community gets a new look.

Digital Government

OIRA Administrator Cass Sunstein to step down

Obama's regulatory czar will soon return to Harvard Law School faculty.

Digital Government

Proposed law to shed sunlight on DOD budget

The DOD hasn't been able to conduct a successful audit, but a new bill would turn up the heat.

Digital Government

Poll reveals top 4 mobility headaches

Mobile devices, while widely popular, come with challenges. The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project has identified four of the most common ones.


Current laws miss key points in protecting data

GAO says advancing technology has rendered many privacy rules inadequate and outdated, creating new risks.

Digital Government

OMB gears up for sequestration

The clock is ticking toward sequestration, and OMB is trying to prepare agencies for the shock.


Networx transition deemed nearly complete

Almost 99 percent of services have moved to the Networx program, according to a GSA official.


10 ways to make agile development work for you

GAO has identified 32 best practices for agencies to implement and manage agile software development. We showcase 10 of the best and point you to the rest.


Focus group: Agencies ill-equipped to handle workforce reorganization

Research finds support for smart restructuring, but doubts about the ability to execute or achieve long-term gains.


Feds see IT as cost, not opportunity

More federal executives say streamlining and modernizing business processes is a bigger priority than IT.

Digital Government

OMB predicts economic improvement, warns against sequestration

Economic growth projected to pick up but recovery remains sluggish, according to the administration's Mid-Session Review.


Census introduces API to make information more accessible

New tool, part of Obama's digital government strategy, allows developers to create custom apps and reach new users.


Dumb mistakes job applicants make

How to land a job -- or rule yourself out.


GSA looks to a future of everything as a service

GSA is interested in moving everything it can to a service model.

Digital Government

Romney promises VA revamp

The presumptive Republican nominee for president has made reform of the Department of Veterans Affairs part of his campaign.