
GSA's crackdown on spending saves millions

Acting Administrator Dan Tangherlini promises more savings yet to come in his quest to curb waste.


Pay freeze extension: Not the worst thing in the world, readers say

President Obama's plan to extend a federal pay freeze is bad news for feds; but would a Romney administration treat feds any better? Our readers have opinions.

Digital Government

Tech needs to keep same pace at work as home, feds say

Feds are excited about technology, but a majority wish the products at work could keep up with the changes in technology in their personal lives.


Digital government push fuels BYOD adoption

Agencies considering a policy for employees to bring their own devices now have a toolkit as aid.


'Rockstar' innovators descend on Washington

The newly minted Presidential Innovation Fellows will take a half-year to work on projects benefiting all citizens.


GSA’s push to curb spending begins to bear fruit

After being chastised for squandering money on various occasions, the agency taps its employees to get the best ideas on how to reduce costs and cut waste.


Obama proposes to extend federal pay freeze until April 2013

The president's plan would grant feds a modest pay raise -- but only under one condition, which might be hard to meet.


IT succession planning inconsistent across government

Managers and human capital practitioners often have different ideas of how to plan for the next generation of technology leaders, study shows.


Industry members laud Digital Government Strategy

The framework to transform the government to better suit 21st-century needs gets nods from private-sector IT professionals.

Digital Government

New tool helps spot fake federal social media accounts

The federal social media database takes the guessing out of which accounts belong to government agencies.


NIST could move to Drupal

Another proprietary system could be destined for the dustbin as NIST considers a move to an open-source option.


Performance management challenge: It's the (fiscal) environment, stupid.

Do agencies have too much to deal with already to do justice to OMB's latest performance management revisions?


VA CIO charts progress on clearing claims backlog

VA deploys latest version of paperless claims processing system, another step on the road to eliminating a longstanding backlog.

Digital Government

Plain English, please

Plain language is the key to successful communication, but avoiding jargon and complex language remains a challenge for many agencies.


GSA freezes 2013 per diem travel rates

Unchanging travel spending rate aligns with acting administrator's ongoing agency review.


Citizens provide guidance for Commerce's digital government efforts

Officials at the Commerce Department asked the public for ideas on what to focus on in implementing the federal digital strategy, and the replies are coming in.


Federal employees union opens digital door to members

AFGE members will have easy access to updates from the organization thanks to its adoption of some new-ish technologies.

Digital Government

Review finds flaws with DISA's auditors

Who watches the watchers? At DISA, the IG's office may itself be in need of some oversight.

Digital Government

Census offers real-time peeks into economy

A new mobile app provides key statistics on U.S. financial matters and trends.

Digital Government

Augmented reality: Where the real and virtual worlds meet

Agencies have quietly been adding augmented reality to their bag of tech tricks for years.