
Agile development faces entrenched resistance

Policies and guidance help move agile development along, but agencies are struggling with challenges rooted in cultural issues.


The mobile revolution could transform the next-generation federal workforce

Today's children are tomorrow's workforce -- plugged in, connected and ready for an office without walls. Will the government be ready for them?


Videoconferencing slow to gain ground in government

Videoconferencing technology could save the federal government nearly $13 billion every year, according to at least one estimate, but agencies face hurdles in adopting it.


OPM's Berry finds it 'incredibly crazy' that claims process not automated yet

OPM's retirement claims processing could see a long-awaited makeover in spring 2013, according to the agency's head.


GAO, OPM:  IT skills gap remains a critical concern

First designated as high risk 11 years ago, human capital management is still on the front burner.

Digital Government

Census falls short on workforce management planning

The bureau could face serious challenges, GAO finds, unless steps are taken to identify and bridge gaps in mission-critical IT occupations.


GAO: Agencies rarely use waiver to bring back retired feds at full pay

Rehired federal employees who draw annuity payments could be paid full salaries as well, despite a rule against it, but agencies are rarely using their waiver power, GAO finds.


Ten years later, e-gov compliance is still incomplete

Agencies have done much of what the E-Gov act asked of them, but trouble spots remain.


Planning for -- and surviving -- sequestration

With sequestration possible in just a few months, experts offer tips to help managers minimize the impact of budget cuts on employees and agency missions.


Counting federal employees is no simple task

The federal workforce is on the hot seat as policymakers try to cut costs, but the simple question of how big the workforce is yields no definitive answer.


Federal IT workforce needs training investment, expert says

Technology aids the workforce, but the government's IT security personnel need investments in training and development opportunities to truly thrive.


Collaboration: The key to solving common management problems

A white paper details strategies to solve two common challenges for federal managers.


Do agencies know where they're going in the cloud?

New study reveals that federal agency respondents are moving to the cloud, but without detailed migration strategies.


Defining the role of technology in fighting waste, fraud, abuse

Technology helps stem the tide of bad spending practices, but there are weaknesses and gaps in agencies' use of it, experts say.


Can mobility escape the security snare?

Federal mobility efforts are advancing fast, but discussions keep coming back to unresolved security issues. ATF's Rick Holgate suggests that agencies are making progress.


Technology concerns infuse Democratic platform

The Democratic party's platform stresses technology, as both challenge and solution.


Technology to clear FOIA backlog underused, GAO finds

Releasing documents under Freedom of Information Act requests is part of an agency's mission, but some agencies are not making the most of tools that could help do it faster.

Digital Government

Assessing the digital campaign: Obama vs. Romney

As the 2012 presidential race heads into the home stretch, one of the contenders has taken a lead in the smart use of technology -- but both have room to improve.


What the GOP platform means to feds

The Republican party's platform details plans for the federal workforce, including changes to pay and a vision for a smaller government.

Digital Government

New analysis estimates agency-by-agency sequestration cuts

The Professional Services Council has run some numbers on the likely cost of sequestration's first year.