
Report recommends IT priorities for second term

The Obama administration could save hundreds of billions of dollars by following some recommendations from ACT/IAC, says the group.


How to become a presidential appointee

The early days of President Obama's second term will bring a new wave of senior leaders and political appointees at agencies. Those who want such a job should apply now.


Feds slowly catching on to tablet trend

Federal adoption lags behind the private sector, but new research projects a steep growth curve.

Digital Government

Basic IT security amiss at IRS

IG report finds software patch management is lacking at IRS -- a problem experts say is all too common in large organizations.


10 tips to keep data secure

Cybersecurity isn't easy, but there are some principles to keep in mind for strong safeguards.

Digital Government

Big data brings big skillset gaps

Agencies need solid strategies to tackle big data – and the data scientists who can do the planning and execution are in very short supply. (Pictured: Bethann Pepoli, EMC.)


ELC to feature mobility, big data

Top federal officials headline the sessions at the annual Executive Leadership Conference, which starts Sunday in Colonial Williamsburg.


Why cyber threats in the states should worry Washington

Like the federal government, states are struggling with constrained budgets and talent shortfalls -- and their risks could bring trouble to the national level.


Feds may not be ready to ditch the clock

The results-oriented work environment, which values output above work hours and attendance, has not caught on in federal agencies.


NIST seeks partners for cybersecurity challenges

The new public-private partnership program, to be housed at NIST's National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, will seek solutions for some of the more pressing cyber risks.


Is there room in the executive suite for a CDO?

Chief data officers are becoming more common, but some question whether the emerging C-level leadership position is needed.


The state of the CIO

The role of the CIO in federal agencies has never been exactly clear. Over the years, debates about the nature of the job and the CIO's proper authority have periodically flared. Here, current and former federal IT executives take stock of the progress CIOs have made and what they can do to ensure future success.


Managers knock information management efforts

A survey finds that many agencies are still dependent on paper records despite years of efforts to move management practices into the digital world.


Panel hits DHS on fusion centers

Designed to enable information-sharing among law enforcement agencies at various levels of government, fusion centers have instead become 'part of the problem,' Senate panel charges.

Digital Government

Sandia's 'MegaDroid' connects 300,000 virtual mobile devices

Research project aims to develop tools to bolster security for smartphone networks.


VA official resigns in conference-spending scandal

A top VA official has resigned and others have been put on an administrative leave in the course of an inspector general probe into spending on training conferences.


Management fellowship program strives to demystify application process

Featuring an interactive guide to the fellowship process, is intended to make it easier for promising new public-sector leaders to enter the federal ranks.


Why branding matters -- even in government

More focus on building and enhancing the employer brand could help agencies find and keep talent.


The long-awaited 'retirement tsunami' has begun

A growing wave of retiring feds is leaving a knowledge gap, and experts fear the next tier of employees may not be ready to step up.