
Cost-free ways to boost morale

A new survey reveals levels of employee satisfaction and a breakdown of what feds find rewarding.


Obama picks counterterrorism adviser to head CIA

John Brennan, nominated to be the next CIA leader, has served at the agency for 25 years.

Digital Government

Can ATF's Rick Holgate ditch the desktop?

At a time when many agencies are struggling to untether their employees from desktop PCs, CIO Rick Holgate is moving ATF closer to a mobile-only work environment.

Digital Government

The E-Gov Act's legacy

Ten years later, the E-Government Act of 2002 still guides federal IT.

Digital Government gets new look is getting overhauled to reflect the Office of Management and Budget's renewed efforts to make government more efficient, transparent and focus on goals and results.


When collaboration fails

Collaboration is the cornerstone of good, efficient government, but misperceptions and underlying issues often paralyze interagency efforts to work together.


Federal employee satisfaction drops sharply in new survey

The Partnership for Public Service's 2012 Best Places to Work report finds two-thirds of agencies have lower scores than last year.


Scoring CIOs on social media

A new analysis seeks to find which CIOs are the best at using Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


Why mobile pilots fail

Conducting a mobile pilot project is easy. But even so, almost all of them never make it out of the test phase.


National Archives picks first 'chief innovation officer'

Appointee was also the National Archives first chief digital access strategist.


White House CIO resigns

The CIO of the White House Office of Administration in the Executive Office of the President is stepping down, according to reports.


Mobile, cloud poised for growth in 2013

IDC's market forecast identifies technologies that are gaining ground in government, and assesses the spending potential for the year.


2012: The year in cybersecurity

Cyberspace was more dangerous than ever in 2012. Highly sophisticated attacks emerged, the cyber battlefield became a reality, and federal agencies stepped up their efforts to fight an invisible enemy.

Digital Government

To manage big data, go beyond IT

A new approach to data calls for new thinking on the employees who can best manage the task, experts say.


Is it time to revisit Clinger-Cohen?

Rep. Darrell Issa, with support from a prominent Democrat, continues to push legislation to update the 1996 law that tackled government IT acquisition and management and created the CIO position.


Timeline: Cyber events in 2012

A look back at some of the major cybersecurity events in the federal government in 2012.


Workforce challenges continue to hamper FDA

Independent report calls for additional training, improved metrics and mandatory exit interviews.


Fast-tracking a government career

Career tips are like any other opinions: Everyone has one. To make sense of all the conflicting advice, FCW asked seven experts to tell us what young feds should do to get ahead, and what they should avoid.


In Congress, tech experience runs deep for four new members

Representatives-elect Daines, Foster, DelBene and Salmon could be the techie caucus of the House freshman class.


New rules for cyber warfare put the military on the offense

President Obama signed guidance that clarifies the role of different agencies and departments in fighting cyber threats.