
Introverted? Then NSA wants you.

The spy agency likes employees who keep to themselves, says its senior civilian leader.


Help-desk requests: Weirder than you thought.

Know the adage "there are no dumb questions?" It's not true.


Defense Department 'a little, homogeneous corporation'?

Agency official quips about DOD's largeness and red tape.


FedRAMP comes fraught with challenges

Agency CIOs acknowledge cloud fears, but look to FedRAMP to alleviate some of the concerns. However, FedRAMP poses some difficulties of its own.


OMB ups the ante on improper payments

Agencies are asked to plan ahead to implement "Do Not Pay" tool into existing operations.


Who's watching? 10 agencies lack permanent IG.

IGs fulfill a critical role in monitoring agency operations, but some agencies have had unfilled vacancies for months, or even years.


DISA honors excellence in acquisition

DISA team gets credit for replacing expiring contracts with up-to-date contracts that match agency telecommunications contracting needs with Defense Department policy.

Digital Government

Have a sense of humor? Become an IT worker.

CIOs and help desk support members share strange questions they've been asked in their line of work.


Feds work less, earn more than private-sector employees -- or so people believe

Respondents in a new survey think private-sector employees work harder than those in government. The twist: Many feds agree.


Telework embrace widens

A new survey shows that most government employees who work remotely are content, but a few report failures.


Finding the hidden value in shared IT services

Shared IT services can help shift focus from infrastructure to mission, says NOAA CIO.


FISMA noncompliance leaves VA vulnerable

Audit finds Veterans Affairs Department has made strides, but is still not meeting FISMA directives with its information security program.

Digital Government

House panel to probe ‘outrageous’ GSA spending

GSA's money management comes under spotlight in the wake of the report that revealed frivolous spending at a 2010 conference.

Digital Government

SoMoClo ... huh?

The convergence of social media, mobile and cloud presents new opportunities and challenges for CIOs, according to a report.


21st-century employee management: Back to basics

Management guru Bruce Tulgan shares his insight into what works in management -- and what doesn't.


Cloud can't substitute for records management

Migrating data to the cloud doesn't relieve agencies of responsibility for their records, warns a FOSE speaker -- with a cautionary tale to drive the point home.

Digital Government

GSA acting administrator to review travel policies

Under new direction, the agency is canceling several events and reviewing its conference guidelines.


CIOs to the cloud: Let's not rush into things

Federal executives find that the decision to migrate to the cloud is not so simple.


GSA shakeup highlights spending scrutiny

The resignation of GSA's administrator and ouster of two top officials puts attention on calls for fiscal responsibility.


Energy CTO: Go beyond the bare minimum on cloud compliance

Once an agency has moved operations to the cloud, what happens next?