Digital Government

4 top tech skills for IT pros

Skills in cloud computing and mobile technologies could add to IT workers' pay.


Government eyes flexible retention to prevent brain drain

Flexible retention is "absolutely the future," according to one workplace expert.

Digital Government

IT Dashboard gets new look

Spotting overlapping expenditures should be easier now.


OPM's IT again under fire

An oversight committee wants answers on why the communications effort for a fellows program was marred with errors.


Rep. Gerry Connolly's agenda

As it turns out, federal employees do have someone in their corner. Rep. Gerry Connolly intends to fight to keep IT management and workforce issues from being compromised by hasty, ill-conceived policies and legislation.


Federal mobility, Web reform strategies to be consolidated

Government IT officials plan on merging federal mobility ad Web reforms into one guidance.


Feds pledge to telework more during national Telework Week

More than 61,000 have pledged to work remotely next week, the majority of whom are federal employees.


Managing millennials: The do's and don'ts

Managers can take off the silk gloves. Millennial employees are neither fragile nor afraid of hard work.

Digital Government

Why employee engagement matters

Survey finds that the most engaged employees are found among those who have worked longer and have senior roles.


How OMB's guidance fails to prevent duplication at federal agencies

Efforts to prevent the proliferation of overlapping programs have fallen short.

Digital Government

New community inspires women to pursue IT careers

CompTIA launches new program to encourage women to seek IT jobs.


Survey: Cost savings key driver for government cloud adoption

Although the public sector is lagging behind the private industry in cloud adoption, new research shows that almost half of governments globally are planning a cloud migration.


Audit: Agencies still wasting billions with overlapping programs

GAO highlighted similar problems last year, and continues to find new examples.

Digital Government

Prediction: 5 trends for federal mobility

Will 2012 be the tipping point?


Gerry Connolly: Don't cut technology investments

Federal spending on technology research should continue despite the economy, congressman urges.


Gerry Connolly: Continued attacks on feds could trigger crisis

Anti-government sentiments lower morale among federal employees and make it harder to recruit new talent, according to a Democratic lawmaker.


Searching for the next generation of government IT security pros

While federal information security professionals report job stability and opportunities for advancement, hiring managers are still trying to figure out how to find highly skilled candidates.


DOE lab proposes voluntary separation program to cut workforce

Up to 800 employees at Los Alamos National Laboratory could soon be offered voluntary buyouts.

Acquisition goes live

Small-business owners now have a website where they can find useful business-related information and resources.

Digital Government

Obama presses for agency consolidation

The president is asking Congress to grant him the authority to consolidate government agencies in an effort to streamline the executive branch.