
TechAmerica releases cloud guidance for state, local governments

State and local governments now have a plan on how to best evaluate, acquire and implement cloud services and technologies.


Researchers turn to nature to fight cyberattacks

A university research team is seeking a natural remedy for one of the most pressing national security concerns.


Issa: Obama’s reform plan mere 'platitudes'

For the government to trim its costs and size, the administration needs to take a more strategic approach and give agencies some autonomy in deciding what's best for them, according to an expert.


Federal CIO details IT forecast

Administration pledges progress in IT despite budget cuts.

Digital Government

FedStyle: Dos and don'ts of online communications

Linguistics professor shares her tips on how to avoid etiquette faux pas when communicating electronically.


NSF steps up research into cloud security, energy-efficiency

Among other possibilities, cloud computing could be used to automatically scale data center resources to reduce power consumption.

Digital Government

Readers' reactions: Why college grads snub government careers

With the bashing of feds and the government's bad rep as an inefficient workplace, no wonder college graduates give federal service the cold shoulder, readers say.


Why busy enterprise architects are getting busier

A new report predicts that agencies will turn to enterprise architects for help with migrating operations to the cloud.


Survey shows feds still favor laptops over smart phones, tablets

The majority of government workers are using laptops in their work more than any other device.


Employee numbers matter less than the work done, expert says

The upcoming retirement wave of baby boomers should serves as an opportunity to assess what government positions are necessary, says a government reform expert.


College grads uninterested in government careers

Agencies expecting a continued flow of qualified applicants for vacant positions should take a hard look at this study's findings.

Digital Government

What skills do feds need to succeed?

An OPM official suggests federal employees learn programming to keep their skills up to date. Is it too much to ask for?

Digital Government

Debunking IT consumerization myths

Surprisingly many IT leaders fail to realize that security training for IT staff is a good idea.

Digital Government

Telework distance: How close is too close?

Should employees who live close to the office be allowed to telework?


Is the laptop about to be obsolete in agencies?

The rising popularity of tablet computers could consign older tech to the dustbin, analyst argues.

Digital Government

Federal managers doubt cloud computing's cost-savings claims

Government managers are apprehensive about the security in cloud environments, and many are skeptical of its promises of major cost savings.

Digital Government

Survey: More feds choose telework for the time savings, not work-life balance

Also: Employees, managers have different opinions about management acceptance of telework.

Digital Government

OMB outlines progress on eliminating government waste

Effort to purge waste has a long way yet to go, officials report.


OMB calls on citizens for help on Shared IT Strategy

Industry and citizens are encouraged to forward their ideas and suggestions on the federal CIO’s framework to shared IT services.


Federal union leader assails yet another pay freeze extension bill

A Wisconsin lawmaker becomes the latest to propose adding a year to the current pay freeze.