
Senators propose reform, not regulation, for better cybersecurity

The forthcoming Senate cybersecurity bill is getting criticism for its focus on regulation and is meeting opposition from some legislatiors.


Energy Department to establish new cyber center

Energy Department CIO highlights importance of partnerships in fighting cyber threats.


Cloud computing expected to spur job creation

Analysis shows cloud computing adoption is growing globally, with the U.S. spending the most on cloud-based solutions and services.


Feds join fight to protect your privacy

Federal agencies join effort to raise awareness of how information is collected, used and shared.


Chopra to step down

White House announces the federal CTO is planning a departure.


Survey: Federal telework gains momentum

More federal employees say their managers are willing to give telework a go.


DOD still falters on auditabilty, Congressional panel says

The Defense Department has made strides in managing its financial systems but more work remains in the areas of accountability and auditability, says a congressional panel.


IJIS exec makes jump to private industry

Leader of institute dedicated to information sharing plans to step down.

Digital Government

Top 4 management tips for federal managers

Expert gives tips on how government managers can better do their job in 2012.


Innovation center to tackle government tech problems

Industry group stands ready to help with fresh ideas.


2012: The rise of the virtual workforce

2012 will see a more intense focus on building a 'hyper-productive, hyper-available' federal workforce.

Digital Government

Throw away the clock

Say you have an employee who is often 20 minutes late. So what? Try managing without a clock, advises HR pro.


New program points cyber pros toward government careers

Professional association beefs up its program to target early-career cybersecurity workers.


Blue Button ready for all feds

Federal health plans to provide feds with access to medical records and health data with the click of a button.


More feds use mobile devices for work than expected

New research shows significant use of mobile devices among federal IT workers.

Digital Government

FedStyle: How to dress for success

Former fed and Miss America contestant Kate Michael gives tips on how young public servants can look stylish -- and presentable.


How to manage sequestration

Federal agencies have signficant discretion in how to handle the 2013 sequester, according to industry experts.


Former federal CIO Vivek Kundra joins industry

Former fed Vivek Kundra transitions to industry role after spending six months at Harvard.


How real is the threat of disgruntled feds jumping to industry?

If federal employees can survive the coming tough year, chances are 2013 could bring some relief, one expert says.


White House to launch online resource for small businesses

Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel reveals more details about the upcoming website that aims to act as a resource for small business owners.