Digital Government

Obama pushes agency consolidation plan for savings

Plan to merge six agencies would eliminate jobs, save costs

Digital Government

Fraud-fighting project to get upgrades

New effort aims to stop fraudsters from scamming the government.


Government seeks input on federal mobility strategy

The government wants advice from feds and the public on speeding up the adoption of mobile technologies.

Digital Government

Readers' reactions: Etiquette rules not always relevant

Readers respond to an etiquette expert's rules of conduct.

Digital Government

Proposed pay raise for feds could mean more money for Congress

Formula could allow Congressional pay to rise.


US power grid gets better cyber defenses thanks to new initiative

A new initiative between government and private sector aims to boost cybersecurity for the power grid and keep hackers at bay.

Digital Government

Virtual firings: The new rules of the workplace

Pink-slipped via Skype? It could happen.


Fed execs get consistent performance measures

A new framework gives agencies a uniform approach to evaluating Senior Executive Service employees.


Plain language in federal regulation comes closer

Federal regulations are notoriously hard to understand, but this week a government agency took yet another step in simplifying complex language.


Interior could save millions with better use of videoconferencing

Video teleconferencing technology could help the Interior Department save millions yearly, but technical problems have plagued the efforts for a departmentwide implementation.

Digital Government

FedStyle: Avoid these etiquette faux pas

Good manners and proper etiquette could help young feds in their career, but few know the rules of conduct.


Atmospheric agency tracks a different kind of cloud

NOAA becomes the largest federal agency to move its email to the cloud.

Digital Government

Nominate an outstanding fed for the Sammies

It's time to vote for feds who made a difference in 2011.


Virtual worlds training for federal cyber pros in the works

A joint effort between DHS and State will offer courses in a virtual worlds environment for federal cybersecurity professionals.


Retiring executives could come back as mentors

The Office of Personnel Management is seeking a contractor to help match employees with mentors.

Digital Government

Millennials say 'no thanks' to 9-5

A generation used to technology and Internet at its fingertips is changing the workplace, ditching the traditional 9-to-5 schedule for more flexibility.


Don't blame contractors solely for poor security

Security for IT systems is too complex to lay on any one set of shoulders, expert warns.


OPM CTO takes on USAJobs, retirement system

OPM CTO David Bowen has been tasked with upgrading the federal retirement system and ensured continued operations of

Digital Government

The 6 biggest federal foul-ups in 2011

Where did the government get it most wrong this year? Our readers sound off.


Bill would cut workforce to avoid first-year sequestration

New bill is an effort to stave off automatic cuts at DOD with targeted reductions.