
OPM, OMB officials push major workforce changes

Just after proposing a series of changes to the federal workforce retirement system, administration personnel directors are looking at more changes to improve recruitment and hiring.

Digital Government

Oversight chairman agrees to subpoena DOJ after census hearing no-show

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chair Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) is moving to subpoena the Department of Justice after the head of its Civil Rights Division skipped a hearing on the 2020 census.


OPM pushes cuts to federal retirement benefits

The Office of Personnel Management is moving ahead with a series of changes to pension benefits that it estimates will save more than $143 billion over 10 years.


Why more agencies aren’t applying for TMF funds

Despite general agreement the Modernizing Government Technology Act was a win for federal IT, just nine projects were initially submitted for money from the central IT fund the law created.


Federal CIO lays out wish list for her agency counterparts

In order for CIOs to handle their increasingly important, complex and ranging roles, federal CIO Suzette Kent wants to see greater authorities for and communication between agency tech offices.

Digital Government

Data-driven policy bill stalls in the Senate

A bill to drive evidence-based policymaking and require chief data officers at agencies has the support of the House Speaker, but remains stuck in the Senate.


Veterans' groups sue Trump over acting VA chief

Two advocacy groups are suing the Trump administration over its selection of defense official Robert Wilkie as the acting head of the Department of Veterans Affairs.


CBO looks to boost cybersecurity

The Congressional Budget Office is looking for ways to shore up its cybersecurity defenses.


FAA reauthorization clears House

The House of Representatives passed a five-year reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, sidelining efforts to privatize the agency and adding some cyber to its responsibilities.


EPA's Pruitt grilled over management, ethics concerns

Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt faced tough questions from lawmakers about questionable expenditures and management style.


Feds face unexpected taxes on moving expenses

Two Democratic senators want rules in place to make sure federal employees who relocate for work can't be taxed for moving expenses under the new tax law.

Digital Government

House Dems push to subpoena Commerce over census question

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee are seeking documentation behind a controversial decision made by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to include a citizenship question on the 2020 population survey.


Federal CIO is moving quickly to get TMF funds out the door

Federal CIO Suzette Kent said that the board managing the Technology Modernization Fund expects the first raft of projects to be approved this week.

Digital Government

Census worried about costs of late changes to 2020 survey

The Census Bureau has added a new area to its list of its major operational concerns that could affect the design or the successful implementation of the 2020 count: cost impacts of late changes.


IGs: IT and workforce woes plague multiple agencies

The first-ever report on governmentwide challenges from a group of Inspectors General found that management of IT systems and human capital are among the most frequently identified performance challenges facing agencies across government.

Digital Government

GAO, Census differ on IT readiness

Uncertainty over the impact the addition of the citizenship question and IT systems' readiness dominated a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing intended to discuss the Census Bureau's fiscal year 2019 budget.

Digital Government

FOIA advisers push for more proactive disclosure

A federal advisory committee wants agencies build Freedom of Information Act responsiveness into acquisition and tech plans.


White House looks to automation to improve federal workforce

Five percent of federal jobs could be completely automated, according to a White House workforce plan, and most jobs could benefit from some automation.

Digital Government

Library of Congress to collect every e-book

In a final rule to be published April 16, the Library of Congress will add published e-books to its mandatory deposit rule.


Feds make almost one-third less than private-sector peers

The Federal Salary Council reported that federal employees make 32 percent less than their private-sector counterparts and recommended that six more areas be added to the locality pay program.