Digital Government

Lawmakers hear from Census officials on citizenship question

Following a closed-door briefing from top Census officials, lawmakers still have questions about a move to ask Americans about their citizenship on the 2020 population count.


IG: Interior failed to document SES reassignments

The Department of Interior recently reassigned about 10 percent of its senior executives without much advance planning and without documenting its reasons for doing so, according to the agency inspector general.

Digital Government

Will government regulate Facebook?

Senators used Mark Zuckerberg's Capitol Hill appearance to raise concerns about unauthorized use of social media data, but it's unclear if new social media regs are coming.

Digital Government

After botched acquisition, Coast Guard joins Pentagon electronic health record system

After repeated entreaties from powerful lawmakers, the Coast Guard is joining the Pentagon's MHS Genesis electronic health record system.


Many White House domains lack required email security

Many White House email domains are not compliant with a governmentwide cybersecurity directive, according to tests.


Lawmakers worry about a second Heartbleed

Two lawmakers are looking for more information from the executive director of the Linux Foundation about the challenges surrounding the security of open-source software.


Does the Vacancies Act really matter?

The law is supposed to prevent acting officials taking on Senate-confirmed roles indefinitely, but the statutory language is vague and enforcement is uneven.

Digital Government

State Department wants to ask all visa applicants about their social media activity

For the millions who seek a U.S. visa every year, giving up social media information and history may become a required step.

Digital Government

Census advisers blast citizenship question

Concern over the addition of the citizenship question dominated a Census advisory committee meeting, but the bureau still has cybersecurity and operational challenges on its plate.


Is $100 million enough to fund MGT projects?

The IT modernization fund is launching with a lot less money than envisioned by its creators, which could mean a proliferation of smaller projects to prove out the concept.

Digital Government

2020 Census to include citizenship question

The Department of Commerce is breaking with recent practice and restoring a question about respondent citizenship last used in 1950, despite being urged not to by former Census directors and outside experts.

Digital Government

How the U.S. Digital Service thrives in the Trump era

The tech shop that grew out of the Obama-era fix-it squad appears to be a permanent fixture of government under the Trump administration.

Digital Government

Funding bill clears Congress, heads for president's desk

The $1.3 trillion spending package passed the House of Representatives on March 22 and the Senate in the early hours of March 23. President Trump is expected to sign the bill, securing government funding for the remainder of fiscal year 2018.

Digital Government

Omnibus boosts Census funding

The 2018 funding bill gives the bureau a long-sought funding increase as it enters a make-or-break testing period.


House Republicans renew Holman Rule

The House backed a provision to allow lawmakers to offer amendments that cut spending on specific programs, offices or federal employees.

Digital Government

Commerce chief pushes Congress for census funding

Commerce Department Secretary Wilbur Ross pushed appropriators to fund the updated lifecycle cost for the census, but offered little about the citizenship question and the search for a permanent director.

Digital Government

IT, workforce, customer service central to President's Management Agenda

The just-released President's Management Agenda focuses on IT modernization, reshaping the federal workforce and the reorganization of government.

Digital Government

Trump campaign taps census question as a fund-raising tool

A fundraising email for the Trump-Pence reelection campaign is trying to get supporters behind a controversial change to the census -- asking respondents whether or not they are U.S. citizens.

Digital Government

2018 Census test launches amid unanswered questions

As the Census Bureau kicks off its critical dress rehearsal for the decennial count, the agency faces IT systems unreadiness, funding uncertainty, a lack of permanent leadership and concerns over low response rates.

Digital Government

Oversight panel advances records preservation, transparency bills

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved a slate of bills aimed at preserving electronic records, improving customer experience and posting more information online.