
OAI's Liddell promoted at White House

Chris Liddell, a top White House tech aide, has been tapped as chief of staff John Kelly's deputy for policy coordination.


House cyber leaders push CDM funding

Three lawmakers with cyber policy expertise are urging appropriators to fully fund the administration's request for the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program.

Digital Government

Congress running out of time to pass funding bill

With just over a week until the next shutdown deadline arrives, Congress again stares down whether to pass an omnibus bill, another stopgap funding measure or to shut down the government.


Lawmakers look to boost Energy's cybersecurity role

To protect critical infrastructure and the energy sector against cyber threats, lawmakers are looking to boost the Department of Energy's cybersecurity role.


IG: Interior unprepared for cyber threats

The Department of Interior’s watchdog found the agency's incident response program to be inadequate, citing network users visits to malware-plagued websites.

Digital Government

How transparent is FOIA?

The DOJ recently launched a one-stop shop to centralize the submissions of Freedom of Information Act requests, but senators on both sides of the aisle have issues with how little information agencies are releasing.


Warner: U.S. is unprepared for cyber threats

The vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee believes the U.S. is facing 21st century threats with obsolete technology and old ways of thinking.


GAO: SSA chief has been 'acting' too long

For the first time, an acting senior official elevated under the Trump administration has been cited for holding down a political job longer than allowed under the Vacancies Act.


White House hints at new cyber policies

Changes sparked by the cybersecurity executive order are on the horizon, a top administration official said.

Digital Government

DOJ launches one-stop shop for FOIA requests

The Department of Justice launched a one-stop shop for users to submit online Freedom of Information Act requests across government.


Can Census staff up for 2020?

With the decennial count looming, a watchdog report finds problems with how the Census Bureau handles background checks of temporary employees.


After breach, OPM ignored contracting requirements in ID monitoring deal

Nearly four years after the data breach, OPM was found to have improperly awarded a multi-million contract for identity theft services.


How can agencies focus on the workforce during reorgs?

The Trump administration faces the challenge of trying to improve federal employee engagement amid plans to reduce overall headcount at many civilian agencies.

Digital Government

Are postal carriers out as potential census takers?

Lawmakers are pressing the Census Bureau's decision to ditch a pilot program to test postal workers as enumerators in the 2020 population count.


FBI taps veteran agent to head IT shop

The FBI named John S. Adams to serve as the executive assistant director of its Information and Technology Branch.


IG to investigate FEMA IT management

DHS' internal watchdog is planning to dig into FEMA's IT management practices, due to concerns it was misled by FEMA leadership about progress on IT management goals.


Lawmaker looks to boost FTC power in data breach enforcement

California Democrat Ted Lieu wants to expand the authority of the Federal Trade Commission to take action against companies who lose their consumer data in security breaches.


HR managers want fewer regs, more tech to make hires

As the typical time to hire continues to creep upward, federal managers voiced their support for fewer hiring rules and regulations, more hiring fairs and better uses of tech and data in the process.


OMB issues final MGT Act guidance

The Office of Management and Budget is officially accepting submissions from agencies for funds to modernize their outdated technologies under the Modernizing Government Technology Act.

Digital Government

How government data is at risk

Open data advocates and former government employees have concerns about the fate of open government data, in light of budget and budget and staffing cuts and topics facing increased politicization.