
At 300 days, Trump faces hundreds of key vacancies

At the important deadline set by the Federal Vacancies Reform Act, President Trump's pace for staffing key government positions continues to lag behind that of previous administrations.

Digital Government

FITARA progress stalls

Federal CIOs under the Trump administration have seen progress lag on implementing the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act, according to the latest scorecards.

Digital Government

DATA Act oversight highlights growing pains

The first round of oversight reports on financial reporting under the Data Act shows that most agencies are experiencing growing pains when it comes to implementing the recent law. Does that mean it's working?


Agencies pitch 500 tech jobs at recruiting event

Civilian, military and intelligence agencies met candidates for 500 open jobs at a first-of-its-kind federal IT hiring event.


VA looks to Congress to improve cost management

The Department of Veterans Affairs also plans to roll out a series of initiative throughout November to improve its veterans' benefits services.


House targets burrowers, new hires at agencies

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved a series of workforce-related bills that target burrowers and new hires while extending whistleblower and telework provisions


Why GAO nixed the Census mobile deal

Census made several key slipups in its decision to award a $283 million mobile device contract for the 2020 population count, according to the Government Accountability Office.


House bill would shake up HHS cyber offices

Two lawmakers are reviving a bid to improve cybersecurity at the Department of Health and Human Services by reorganizing cyber personnel and operations.

Digital Government

Senate bill keeps election systems critical

A new bill looks to maintain the DHS designation of election systems as critical infrastructure while helping state officials access classified threat information.

Digital Government

Ryan, Murray team up on evidence-based policy bill

The House speaker and Democratic senator have introduced legislation to help measure government efficiency based on their commission’s findings.

Digital Government

Air traffic control reform hits turbulence in Congress

Congress still faces the decision whether to privatize air traffic control responsibilities and the jobs of 30,000 federal employees.

Digital Government

Commerce looks to the post office for census help

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross testified the department is "in negotiations" with USPS to use its postal carriers part-time to conduct Census operations during the 2018 end-to-end test.


IG: EPA infosec needs better management

The EPA's internal watchdog praised the agency's information security program, but says improved management and training program are required to protect data.

Digital Government

Census delays IT contracts, plays catchup on systems

At a quarterly meeting, Census announced it has delayed two key IT contracts, but following a requested funding increase, is catching up on IT systems development.


Congress passes budget plan without steep cuts to federal retirement plans

The House narrowly approved a budget blueprint that omitted deep cuts to federal retirement benefits initially sought by conservatives on Capitol Hill.

Digital Government

GSA looks for possible DUNS replacements

For the second time in 2017, the General Services Administration is requesting feedback on ways to reduce its reliance on a proprietary business entity identifier system it uses to track government contracts.

Digital Government

Lawmakers grill IRS on management, IT security

Lawmakers expressed frustration with the tax agency's failures to implement oversight recommendations for workforce management, IT security and legacy systems, as well as its handling of the recent Equifax contract.

Digital Government

Can new law stop foreign-bought election ads?

Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas) isn’t sold on the Senate bill aimed at increasing disclosure requirements for political ads on digital platforms, and instead pushed for government and industry to work together.

Digital Government

Can FOIA be fixed?

A federal advisory committee offered tech and procedural suggestions to improve agency performance on meeting Freedom of Information Act requests.


Lawmakers hear from Trump's picks to lead GSA, OPM

Federal hiring, the clearance backlog and procurement data came up in a Senate confirmation hearing for candidates to lead the Office of Personnel Management and the General Services Administration.