
GAO sustains protest in $283M Census mobile contract

As the Census Bureau prepares to ramp up its preparations on a tight budget and schedule, the Government Accountability Office decided a critical $283 million contract was not rightfully awarded.


Is the U.S. ready for a quantum leap in computing?

While widespread use of quantum computing is likely still years away, experts stress that government should ramp up preparations for a future that could disrupt the underpinnings of conventional encryption.


IG: Infosec weaknesses at Energy continue

While DOE has gotten better at protecting sensitive information, the agency still shows weaknesses in vulnerability management, business web applications and access controls.


OPM: federal employee engagement reaches six-year high

Nearly a half-million feds responded to the annual OPM survey, and results suggest some increase in morale and job satisfaction in the federal workforce, despite some public indications to the contrary.

Digital Government

Extra $3 billion might not solve all Census woes

More money might not alleviate concerns about IT preparedness and communications programs entering the 2018 dress rehearsal.


House passes bill to relax TSP withdrawal restrictions

The House voted to unanimously pass a bill that would increase federal employees' flexibility in withdrawing funds from their retirement accounts.

Digital Government

IoT proposals await NTIA's political leadership

A federal tech agency put its internet of things policy on hold while as new leader faces Senate confirmation.


Cyber expert tapped to lead DHS

Kirstjen Nielsen, a former cybersecurity consultant and current deputy chief of staff in the White House, is returning to DHS to lead the agency.


Stefano M. Rivolta

Project Manager, Innovation Sandbox, Department of State


Justin C. Ariel

Network Engineer/Systems Administrator, Office of the CIO, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA


Laura Larrimore

Senior Digital Strategist, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Digital Government

Commerce: 2020 census to cost $3B more than planned

IT cost overruns and fears of low online response rates have contributed to a steep upward revision of the costs of counting the U.S. population in 2020.

Digital Government

NAACP sues Commerce amid concerns over census prep, funding

The NAACP has filed a lawsuit against the Commerce Department alleging the agency illegally withheld internal documents regarding the Census Bureau's preparation for the 2020 count.


How big is the federal workforce, really?

Despite administration concerns about bloat, one new estimate pegs the size of the federal workforce as smaller than under Ronald Reagan.


DHS chief sees cyber threats every day

Americans are "right to worry" about ever-present cybersecurity threats, says the acting head of the Department of Homeland Security.


Do agencies need more flexibility for reorgs?

Shared services and workforce reductions are expected to feature prominently in the White House’s plan to reorganize the federal government, but some changes could benefit from additional outside authorities.


OPM names new CIO

Former Maryland CIO David Garcia will replace David DeVries as the top tech official of the Office of Personnel Management.


White House cracks down on executive travel

The same day Tom Price stepped down as secretary of Health and Human Services, the White House put out a memo reminding agency execs not to stick taxpayers with the tab for private travel.