
Trump pushes plan to privatize air traffic control

The White House is backing long-held plans to privatize air traffic control operations to jumpstart progress on a massive technology upgrade.


FDIC dinged again for inadequate infosec

GAO finds that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation needs to improve its information security controls and do more to separate its financial systems from the rest of its network.


Is government handling zero-days all wrong?

A former cybersecurity advisor to Bush and Obama thinks the Vulnerability Equities Process has its disclosure priorities backwards.


Trump's pick to head whistleblower office comes from group suing EPA

President Donald Trump's nominee to lead a whistleblower protection office comes from a legal group that is currently suing the EPA to access employees' encrypted communications.


OMB seeks IT specialists

The Executive Office of the President is looking to fill a quartet of IT jobs that call for secret and top secret clearances.

Digital Government

VA looks at cut in tech funding

While the Department of Veterans Affairs gets a budget bump in the administration's spending plan, the line item for IT comes in for a cut as the agency mulls shifting its tech strategy.


Can government stop using Social Security numbers?

Agencies are having trouble reducing reliance on Social Security numbers as identifiers because of outdated systems, insufficient funding and lack of coordination from OMB.

Digital Government

Commerce chief indicates flexibility on 2020 census funding

Despite Trump's request for a $1.4 billion cut to the Department of Commerce, secretary Wilbur Ross indicated room for some budgetary flexibility to pull off the 2020 census.


GSA chief: Central IT fund is a start, not a remedy

While President Trump's budget proposal includes a $228 million investment for a general IT modernization fund, the head of the agency overseeing the fund sees the initial investment as more of a proof of concept than a panacea.


Hurd encouraged by IT funding in Trump budget

The architect of the Managing Government Technology Act is happy with the administration's request for a central IT modernization fund, but he thinks the real action will take place at the agency level.


Trump's budget takes aim at federal retirement

President Donald Trump's budget proposal identifies almost $150 billion in savings over 10 years by slashing federal employee benefits, but feds and their unions are crying foul.

Digital Government

Census funding falls short of Obama-era plans

President Trump's budget proposal falls almost $300 million short of his predecessor's proposal for fiscal year 2018, raising concerns that an already-challenged census could be in historic trouble.


GOP continues push to privatize air traffic control

Have the stars finally aligned behind a long-planned push to outsource air traffic control operations?


Data center optimization savings falls short

Agencies are reporting far less than the estimated $4 billion in savings by consolidating data centers because of inconsistent reporting and incomplete strategic plans.


Do feds make too much money?

The Congressional Budget Office reported that federal employees are compensated more than their private sector counterparts, but watchdogs say challenges in recruiting and retaining skilled workers run deeper than pay.


Chaffetz to resign from Congress

The coveted House Oversight gavel is due to change hands, as chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) steps down to become a cable TV commentator.


OMB chief: People are 'immune to the true costs of government'

To achieve a balanced budget without tax hikes would require a 12 to 13 percent cut in government spending, said OMB Director Mick Mulvaney.


Where the MGT money will go

Tech leaders are already planning how to spend the money in the Modernizing Government Technology Act.


Senate bill makes it easier to post feedback to the government

A pair of senators wants to make it easier for agencies to get user feedback on their customer service.

Digital Government

IGs say hiring freeze, budget cuts hurt oversight

Inspectors general report that the hiring freeze negatively affected their operations and raised concerns that proposed budget cuts could jeopardize their ability to conduct oversight.