
Heitkamp to offer workforce reform bill

Hiring flexibility and attracting younger workers are key goals in workforce legislation set to be introduced in the Senate.


What does the internet of things mean for data breaches?

Regulators say new troves of hackable data created by connected devices make the need for a national data breach standard that much more urgent.

Digital Government

How tech, laws and leadership impede digital diplomacy

Digital diplomacy, a priority for the State Department under the Obama administration, appears to be at a crossroads.


Census director resigns amid 2020 prep

As the Census Bureau stares down a critical and jam-packed 2017 schedule, Director John Thompson announced his retirement, effective June 30.

Digital Government

As big deadline hits, lawmakers warn on long-term risks to Data Act

Agencies are due to report their first tranche of spending data under the Data Act on May 9, but lawmakers are framing the milestone date as a starting point.


Legislators call for more flexible cyber hiring and training

Three Democratic members of Congress want the government to look to private sector practices as a model for hiring and training the federal cybersecurity workforce


No honeymoon for Trump with feds

President Trump's low public approval ratings are reflected in his unpopularity among the federal workforce.

Digital Government

Agencies looking beyond Data Act deadline

The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act’s first submission deadline is a few days away, but agencies are already counting the benefits and looking to future uses.

Digital Government

Obama archive to go digital

The National Archives and Records Administration announced it will begin to digitize the unclassified records of the Obama administration, commencing a new model for the storage of future presidential records.

Digital Government

Can the Census Bureau really deliver $5 billion in savings?

Unexpected cost overruns to critical systems and decisions to cancel or suspend various programs risk eating into the $5 billion in savings proposed by Census Bureau for its 2020 count.


What’s next for agile acquisition?

As agencies ramp up their IT modernization efforts, increased acquisition training at the agency procurement level and support from the White House and legislative levels play a central role.


IT upgrade bill moves to House floor

As agencies ramp up their IT modernization efforts, increased acquisition training at the agency procurement level and support from the White House and Congress play a central role.


White House takes on technology revamp

The White House is standing up a technology council to "transform and modernize" the government's IT and digital services.

Digital Government

Senators seek to protect federal data

Sens. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) and Gary Peters (D-Mich.) introduced a bill seeking to protect public access to open government data through legislation and prevent its removal without sufficient public notice.

Digital Government

Trump tech aide touts DATA Act as 'model' for innovation

A few agencies will miss the May deadline to electronically submit their financial data, but robust support of spending data transparency from the White House, Congress and the private sector will keep the pressure on lagging agencies.


Clapper: Russia, nonstate actors emboldened in digital world

Russia has been emboldened by its successful intervention in the 2016 election, and nonstate actors, such as WikiLeaks, are a growing threat in the digital space, said former director of national intelligence James Clapper during a ranging public appearance.


Border official tapped to head Secret Service

President Donald Trump announced the appointment of Maj. Gen. Randolph "Tex" Alles, a veteran Marine and border control official, to serve as the new director of the Secret Service.


Can a voluntary framework deter cyberattacks?

With cyber attacks on the rise, experts wonder if voluntary norms are enough to keep the peace in cyberspace.

Digital Government

Census IT tackling a very long to-do list for 2017

In 2017, the bureau plans to award three IT contracts, scale up its systems, and nail down its partnership with USPS and with state and local governments to shore up its address records, all in time for its August 2017 dress rehearsal start date.

Digital Government

DOJ taps 18F for FOIA portal

The innovation shop 18F is tasked with creating a one-stop portal to handle Freedom of Information Act requests for all 119 agencies covered by the transparency law.