
McKinsey: A public sector rethink could save $3.5 trillion worldwide

Governments around the world stand to save $3.5 trillion annually within the next five years if they maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their spending.


Oversight chief won't seek new term

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, will not seek re-election to Congress in 2018.

Digital Government

Former Microsoft chief launches government data site

Steve Ballmer's $10 million government data site offers scope and scale, but transparency advocates warn that it's not a management tool.

Digital Government

IG: SSA system reboot success depends on backlog

The Social Security Administration's reboot of a failed $300 million IT system for its disability program is being rolled out gradually, and it's getting good marks so far.


IT insiders tell GAO what works

As FITARA implementation progresses, a government watchdog convened a group of tech leaders to share lessons learned about acquisition.


Trump transition the slowest in decades

The Trump administration is appointing Senate-confirmed positions, including those critical to national security, at a historically slow pace.


Can 911 get with the times?

While innovative consumer communications apps proliferate, the 911 emergency infrastructure remains stuck in the 20th century.


IG: Federal Reserve should standardize its continuous monitoring

The Federal Reserve System lacks guidance to ensure continuous monitoring and information uploading practices are consistent across its regional banks.


OIG: USPS not prepared for IT blackout

The United States Postal Service's IT systems and personnel could be unprepared to fulfill essential postal functions in the event of an emergency that disrupts normal operations.


Senators seek GAO probe of hiring-freeze effects

Two senators are urging Congress's investigative arm to probe any adverse effects of President Trump's hiring freeze.


What will it take to make feds happy?

Federal employee global satisfaction scores have risen for consecutive years, but lawmakers still think there's a long way to go in improving workforce engagement, as well as the survey that provides the data.


Doing less with less

Tech modernization is a pressing need for agencies government-wide, but in times of budget cuts and uncertainty, plans to upgrade legacy IT tend to be among the first projects taken of the table.


Harvard students spin up gov-tech internship

The federal government may be getting a summer tech and data science internship program analogous to those offered by Silicon Valley, thanks to three Harvard undergrads.


Hurd ramps up call for cyber national guard

Congressional watchdogs, as well as industry members and feds, called for a cyber national guard, pooled hiring and reforming educational outreach to address the IT skills shortage.


VA's most important 2017 decision

A senior VA official told FCW that the decision, expected in July, to retain or move off of the homegrown Vista health record system is the most important move the agency will make this year.

Digital Government

NASA official warns of 'the internet of dangerous things'

Protecting everyday life from the dangers emerging from the expansion of the internet of things requires rethinking decades-old security practices, according to a top IT official at NASA.


Despite glitches, Census officials not worried about 2020 count

Census officials said that despite recent delays, watchdog findings and cost uncertainty, Census is "in good shape" for the 2018 end-to-end test, and the 2020 main event.

Digital Government

Lawmakers look to modernize U.S. Code

A bipartisan bill would digitally encode U.S. law with a statutory history.


Agencies backsliding on FITARA

A leading watchdog told the House Oversight panel that agencies took some backward steps on implementing IT reforms during the transition and the early days of the Trump administration.


OPM issues how-to guide for layoffs

Following the White House's proposed budget cuts, the Office of Personnel Management issued guidance for agency heads on how to handle potential workforce reductions.