
Detailed report still leaves questions about nepotism in government

A Merit Systems Protection Board study spelled out federal rules regarding nepotism, but it's not clear what application they have to a president hiring an in-law to his White House staff.


Watchdog: improper workforce incentives could cost VA millions

The Department of Veterans Affairs awards incentives to attract and retain skilled employees in hard-to-fill positions, but their unauthorized and improper uses could lead to millions of dollars in unsupported spending, according to a recent inspector general report.

Digital Government

The future of 44

The Obama administration will archive its social media history in novel and interactive ways.


Lawmakers, CSIS unveil cyber recommendations for Trump administration

A cybersecurity task force recommended that the Trump administration move quickly to improve and reorganize oversight authorities, elevate the role of the White House cybersecurity coordinator and clarify the cyber defense roles of civilian and military agencies.


Does have a future?

Congressional Republicans plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act. What would that mean for the $1B website that is the front door to the program?

Digital Government

3 in 10 agency websites miss OMB deadline to migrate to HTTPS

Although the White House-imposed deadline for government websites to embrace HTTPS has passed, some agencies' conversions remain a work in progress.


Search for new VA chief continues

The Trump transition team has a few key appointments yet to make, including the next chief of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Digital Government

New advisory committee will assist in 2020 census

The Census Bureau is establishing a committee of public- and private-sector representatives to make sure plans for the 2020 population count are on track.

Digital Government

12 government apps to get you through the holiday season

The federal government is getting in on the holiday spirit, promoting 12 holiday-relevant agency apps that offer travel, weather, safety and educational information.


Mulvaney's record shows tilt toward outsourcing, cutting federal workforce

President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the Office of Management and Budget doesn't have a long record on IT issues, but he's shown an interest in outsourcing to the private sector and trimming the federal workforce by attrition.


Job satisfaction is rising at most agencies, but lags for IT workers

For the second year in a row, federal agencies saw employee happiness improve, but IT and cybersecurity specialists’ job satisfaction still lags behind the rest of government.


What will Trump's innovation policy look like?

Although specifics regarding innovation policy under a Trump administration remain unclear, Trump's campaign promises to create manufacturing jobs for American workers, make better trade deals and increase military spending will likely play out in the technology sector.


IG: State's consular tech upgrade is slow going

Despite improvements in management, the effort to modernize the State Department's disparate consular IT systems is lagging, and the office that manages these legacy systems is understaffed, according to a recent inspector general report.


White House honors federal workforce

The White House honored federal employees by recognizing the range of achievements and the ways the workforce has influenced how government operates by leveraging technology over the past eight years

Digital Government

Senate backs open gov bill

The Senate approved the Open, Public, Electronic and Necessary Government Data Act by unanimous consent Dec. 10, and supporters of the bill are optimistic about its chances in the 115th Congress.


Obama gives feds a pay hike

President Barack Obama authorized a 2.1 percent pay increase for federal civilian employees, a bump over the 1.6 percent increase submitted in August, to match Congress's approved pay increase for defense personnel.

Digital Government

Are agencies ready for the Data Act?

With the financial reporting requirements of the Data Act set to take effect in May 2017, a key oversight panel voiced concerns over agencies' progress.


Gen. John Kelly picked to head DHS under Trump

The president-elect has selected another retired Marine general for his cabinet -- John F. Kelly to head the Department of Homeland Security.


How will Trump tackle legacy IT?

In order to advance policy priorities, the next administration will have to navigate a government that is both reliant on and slowed by legacy IT. Exactly how remains an open question.


Agencies still aren't acing FITARA

Twelve of the 24 CFO Act agencies governed by FITARA improved their grades on the latest scorecard.