Digital Government

Rep wants Congress to 'track changes'

New York Republican Elise Stefanik is reintroducing a measure to make the online text of congressional bills reflect recent changes made during the legislative process.

Digital Government clears FedRAMP

The General Services Administration-run platform is ready for federal agencies to host online applications.


Trump's OMB pick advances amid concern from Democrats

Two Senate committees advanced President Donald Trump's pick to head the Office of Management and Budget on party-line votes, as Democrats raised concerns about his fitness to serve in that role.


Trump transition threatened to fire IGs

Agency watchdogs told the House Oversight Committee that early worries about a purge of the IG ranks by the Trump transition have been put to rest, but they were still concerned about the possible consequences of the federal hiring freeze.


House Dems want details on transition team threats to oust IGs

Two members on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee want answers from the White House about reports that Trump officials told agency watchdogs to start looking for new jobs.


Connolly looks to give feds a pay raise

For the fourth year running, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) has introduced legislation aimed at restoring "years of lost wage increases" for federal employees.


Chaffetz bill targets feds who owe back taxes

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is looking at changes to workforce and procurement policies, including a bid to crack down on federal employees who have "seriously delinquent" tax debt.

Digital Government

Despite budget uncertainty, Census remains 'on track,' officials say

The Census Bureau has altered and trimmed programs in advance of the 2018 end-to-end test of census tech, but officials say that despite budget uncertainty, the projects remain on schedule.

Digital Government

How does FOIA fit under the Trump administration?

Without having yet received directives from the Trump administration, open government advocates from the public and private sectors are continuing their work on new Freedom of Information Act best practices.


Trump's pick for OMB sounds enthusiastic about the Data Act

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) stressed the importance of enforcing the DATA Act to both Senate committees he faced as part of his confirmation to lead the Office of Management and Budget.


Chaffetz backs Trump's tough line on feds

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) sketched his priorities for the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, but Democrats want to see a formal plan.


Klopp stays on board as SSA CIO for now

The Trump administration has asked SSA CIO Rob Klopp to remain in his role to provide continuity as his agency continues modernization projects and agile adoption.

Digital Government

Obama codifies PIF program on last morning in office

President Obama signed a bill making the Presidential Innovation Fellows program a permanent fixture of government, during his last hours in office.


GAO reports billions in savings linked to oversight efforts

In its end of the year summary, the Government Accountability Office reported billions of dollars in federal savings and progress in addressing its management challenges.


Trump's pick for Commerce talks tech

Wilbur Ross, the Department of Commerce secretary-designate, discussed IT-intensive components of Commerce -- including cybersecurity, spectrum allocation, broadband accessibility and Census operations -- at his Senate confirmation hearing.

Digital Government

Why Congress lags in tech

Congress is failing to integrate advanced IT into its day to day operations and tight budgets, staff turnover and decentralization are just some of the reasons why.


VA watchdog seeks CIO

The office of the inspector general for the Department of Veterans Affairs is looking to hire a deputy assistant IG for its management and administration division who will also have CIO responsibilities.

Digital Government

DATA Act deadline signals need for upgrades

While most CFO Act agencies expect to hit the May deadline of the DATA Act, some agencies will need to change their accounting practices and upgrade their systems.


Can government alone protect cyberspace?

A former White House cyber specialist argues that government will be overwhelmed if it has to tackle threats alone.


Giuliani to head cybersecurity group within White House

President-elect Donald Trump named former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to head a White House committee tasked with tackling cybersecurity challenges.