
New CEO takes over at MITRE

Dr. Jason Providakes is taking over as president and CEO of MITRE, the not-for-profit organization that operates federally funded research and development centers.


Feds worry about Trump's budget plans

The new administration’s hiring freeze and plans to cut civilian agencies’ budgets worry federal employees, and have caught the attention of their unions.

Digital Government

SEC advances open data rule

Two commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission voted to approve a rule change that would require public companies to submit financial statements in a streamlined open data format.


Bid protest continues to stall FirstNet award

The First Responder Network Authority is preparing to announce the award for its nationwide broadband public safety network, once it settles an ongoing bid protest.


How would Trump’s proposed cuts affect the census?

The Senate confirmed President Donald Trump’s nominee for Commerce Department secretary by a 72 to 27 vote Feb. 27, but the future of programs and positions Ross will oversee remains hazy.


VA seeks permanent CISO

The Department of Veterans Affairs is looking to hire a permanent IT security lead.

Digital Government

IG: Commerce lags on Data Act

The Department of Commerce is behind on its Data Act preparations and risks missing a key May deadline, the agency watchdog warned.

Digital Government

The future of open data in the Trump administration

Government transparency advocates expect Obama-era open data policies to continue but would like to see agencies and Congress prioritize their expansion.


Tech firms, privacy groups slam DHS password collection plan

A combination of tech companies and civil liberties groups oppose DHS Secretary John Kelly's suggestion that border officials could collect social media passwords as a condition for entry.


Wyden objects to DHS password collection plan

The Democratic senator hope to block plans, floated by the Homeland Security secretary, to collect social media and mobile device passwords as a condition for travelers to enter the United States.


IG: Interior risks exposing sensitive data

Deficient IT security controls at a core data center put the Department of Interior at risk of exposing sensitive and personally identifiable information.

Digital Government

Chaffetz bills would outlaw warrantless stingray use

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) introduced two bills that would rein in law enforcement's use of technologies that tracking users via their mobile phones.


Prime time for the Data Act?

Some early signs suggest that the implementation of the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act could become a policy priority in the Trump administration.

Digital Government

2020 census tabbed as 'high risk' by GAO

The 2020 Census is one of three additions to GAO's 2017 list of high-risk government programs.

Digital Government

DHS vague on rules for election aid, say states

State election officials had more questions than answers after a Department of Homeland Security presentation on the designation of election systems as critical U.S. infrastructure.


Should Americans trust their voting tech?

State officials told the Election Assistance Commission that they are looking to shore up the cybersecurity of voting systems in the wake of the 2016 elections.


Either Congress reforms the civil service, or Trump does it his way, senator warns

Workforce cuts through a freeze and attrition "may not be optimal," said Sen. James Lankford, and Congress can collaborate to find a better way.


Senators quiz IGs on NextGen, FirstNet

Senators on the Commerce Committee are looking to agency watchdogs for news and oversight of large IT infrastructure projects like FAA's NextGen and the Commerce Department's FirstNet.

Digital Government

Democrats seek answers on private email use at the White House

Two senators have concerns that the Presidential Records Act may have been violated, and want clarifications from White House Counsel Donald McGahn.


DHS mulls password collection at borders

Homeland Security Secretary tells House Committee that surrendering social media passwords to law enforcement is being considered as a condition of entry at border crossings.