Digital Government

IT on fast track at State

The department aims to implement its key IT initiatives within 24 months, CIO says


IRS picks Dynamics Research

Dynamics Research Corp. will continue work on the IRS' integrated collections systems

Digital Government

HHS to shore up management systems

Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson is taking steps to fix the department's financial management systems after repeated criticism that HHS cannot keep track of its financial operations.

Digital Government

FBI targeted for reforms

Ashcroft orders full review as Congress considers new bureau oversight post

Digital Government

Bill would step up FBI scrutiny

Legislation includes provision to create a Justice Department deputy inspector general for the FBI

Digital Government

FBI reviewing IT security

IT security practices are part of an internal review of the FBI's counterespionage efforts


Spotlight turned on FBI systems

Attorney general orders comprehensive review of the FBI, including its inadequate computer systems

Digital Government

Group updates guide for financial systems

JFMIP has unveiled a plan to revise standards for agency financial-management systems


Group surveys kiosk scene

The federal Interagency Kiosk Forum is conducting a survey of how agencies are using kiosks


FBI awards Trilogy part 2

The FBI has awarded the second half of its Trilogy project to SAIC.

Digital Government

Requirements drafted on benefits systems

JFMIP published a draft of proposed requirements for benefits systems last month

Digital Government

Armey renews Carnivore criticism

House leader urges re-examination of Carnivore in light of a ruling on privacy-threatening technology


Navair, SAP deal covers enterprise

MySAP systems will help command's financial, supply chain and customer relationship management


FBI awards Trilogy, part 2

The user-applications portion of the FBI's massive modernization project goes to SAIC

Digital Government

Financial systems update drafted

JFMIP is revising the standards for agencies' core financial management systems

Digital Government

'Cookies' policy violated on CIO Council site

The redesigned Web site for the federal CIO Council was pulled off-line June 8 for using cookies


ERP: It's not dead yet

E-gov push spurs steady growth in federal market


Panel releases plan to ease grants process

Technology can improve the way the government delivers the more than $325 billion in grants it awards each year

Digital Government

Administration eyes revamp of INS structure

The Bush administration wants to restructure INS, which has been criticized for its management of immigration applications


CIO site caught with 'cookies'

The redesigned Web site for the CIO Council had to be pulled off-line today after Federal Computer Week notified officials the site was using persistent cookies, a violation of government privacy rules