Digital Government

Customs modernization plans praised

GAO gives stamp of approval to Customs' spending plan for $45 million in modernization funds

Digital Government

Administration eyes INS split

Attorney general says one branch would focus on enforcement and the other on service

Digital Government

INS info systems criticized

INS stumbles in its management of immigration applications, GAO says

Digital Government

Benefits systems requirements drafted

JFMIP has published its draft document detailing benefits system requirements

Digital Government

CIO Council has 'practical guide'

Despite being legally required under the Clinger-Cohen Act to implement an enterprise architecture, few federal organizations have done so

Digital Government

HUD's enterprising effort

Agency hopes its IT architecture initiative pulls it from the pack


NASA: Outsourcing's a go

GSA Seat demise won't affect agency plans

Digital Government

Here's news: One IT sector still humming

Despite high-tech downturn, ERP software on the rise, study says


DOD finance systems ripped

The Defense Department is risking billions of dollars as it fixes its financial management systems

Digital Government

FBI finds more McVeigh files

Also, Justice completes report detailing the FBI's efforts to identify any remaining documents

Digital Government

Plan boosts Federal Commons

Committee proposes ways technology can streamline the federal grants process.

Digital Government

NASA still has security gap

IG says space agency needs to improve the way it scans for potential vulnerabilities

Digital Government

E-voting experts put regs first

Panelists argue for improving voting standards before mass modernization of systems

Digital Government

HHS' enterprising game plan

New leadership at the Department of Health and Human Services, the need to secure systems and the reality of tight budgets are breathing new life into plans to create enterprise systems that can work across the department

Digital Government

The FBI's hunt for order

McVeigh fiasco exposes need for IT overhaul


Lack of blueprint may cost DOD

DOD doesn't have an adequate IT architecture to direct its financial management fixes, GAO says


FBI director blasts management

Poor records management, doubts about computer system led to loss of bombing case documents

Digital Government

HHS becomes more enterprising

Concerns about security and budgets are driving organizations toward centralized systems

Digital Government

IT problems blamed in McVeigh case

Antiquated FBI computer systems likely caused the bureau to lose thousands of documents about the Oklahoma City bombing

Digital Government

FBI doing security review

FBI overview is in parallel to the one being conducted by former FBI Director William Webster