
Privacy needs to be baked into systems, experts say

Agency privacy officers should not be seen as Dr. No but as people who can help focus a system.


Editorial: Hope or despair?

Many experts suspect that reasons unrelated to their qualifications — including midterm election politics — could delay any or all of the candidates’ confirmations.


Editorial: A glimmer of hope

GSA needs senior political leadership positions filled so the agency can deal with its problems. Doan’s nomination has already lifted the spirits of GSA’s employees.


Editorial: A time for openness

GSA faces a perilous time. The agency should have a public vetting of its finanials if it is going to fully move on.


Editorial: When the office is optional

Although telework has never really taken hold, acceptance seems to be growing.


Editorial: Yes, GSA does matter

We believe GSA can be a vital adviser to agencies and should be saved.

Digital Government

Editorial: Credit where credit is due

Federal Computer Week’s Federal 100 awards program has truly proven itself during its 17-year history.


DISA pins workforce hopes on telework

One of the ways DISA hopes to retain people is by allowing them to work from remote locations rather than having to be on-site


Editorial: Is GSA worth saving?

This is the time for a larger conversation about the agency's role in procurement.


Editorial: The culture war

The decision to pull the share-in-savings rule is part of a divisive culture in which agencies cannot try anything new or innovative. That needs to change


Editorial: Earn trust through privacy

People should be able to visit U.S. government Web sites without worrying that Big Brother is tracking their every online move.


Editorial: The challenges ahead

A review of the challenges of 2005 and the challenges of the new year.

Digital Government

Old and new thoughts on R&D

Excerpts from the writings of Arthur Cebrowski show that one of the issues close to his heart was research and development.


Editorial: A familiar refrain

The real question is why CIOs look for the first opportunity to jump ship -- that is, why do they stay as long as they do?


Editorial: Search as a model

The NASA/Google arrangement could stand as a true example of a public/private partnership.


Editorial: Setting an example

E-government has become a metaphor. Why are agencies still in the same place Oct. 10, 2005, that they were in Sept. 10, 2001? To find the answer, follow the money -- and one can see how the funding process for cross-agency projects is broken.

Digital Government

Safavian: Read it for yourself


Digital Government

Editorial: Succession planning

Among members of Congress, few lawmakers — Republican or Democrat — understand or care about IT issues.

Digital Government

Editorial: Be prepared!

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, two phrases come to mind. One is the Boy Scouts' motto: Be prepared. The other is snafu.