Digital Government

Editorial: Can we talk?

Federal employees deserve a fair system, and they have legitimate concerns about tying pay to performance.


Editorial: Getting the power

By giving senior IT leaders budget authority, agencies come closer to making them meaningful members of their management teams.


Editorial: Charting an organization

An organizational chart can seem trivial, but it does matter.


Editorial: People power

Life for federal workers has changed dramatically. Once a more comfortable, laid-back environment when compared with private-sector jobs, feds now find that they must fight for and justify their jobs.


Editorial: Setting priorities

It will be almost impossible to share information effectively without fully empowered CIOs, and that hasn't happened yet.


Editorial: The need for IT advice

We were deeply disappointed when we heard that the Bush administration had decided to allow the President's Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) to expire.


FBI transforms with tech

The FBI's chief technology officer said available technologies could help improve the agency's antiquated computer systems


CSC focused on IRS modernization

CSC's chief operating officer says that the best of modernization is yet to come.


Styles leaving procurement office

Controversial OFPP administrator Angela Styles will leave that post Sept. 15.

Digital Government

DOT looks to consolidate servers

Transportation Department server consolidation aims to save as much as $25 million each year


TSP suit against AMS settled

American Management Systems has agreed to pay $5 million to the board that oversees the Thrift Savings Plan

Digital Government

Former Navy official joins Booz

Long-time Navy IT exec Ron Turner will join Booz Allen Hamilton.


Forman defends e-gov selection

Administration officials refute GAO criticisms of e-gov initiative selection process


E-gov selection process found to be flawed

OMB did not consider how at least half of the e-gov projects would impact the customer, GAO says


Navy's Porter retires

The Navy Department's chief information officer said he will retire from his post Dec. 1


Navy Dept. CIO to retire

Dan Porter says he will be accepting the Navy Department's early retirement option



Low-Tech Fixes for High-Tech Card; Critical Dependencies; Turner to Set Sail


DOD removes restrictions on IT buys

A controversial provision that would restrict DOD time- and labor-hour service buys did not make it into a final rule


DOD rule boosts competition

Rule implements Section 803, but leaves out controversial contracting provision


DOD preps contracting rule

Final version, expected today, will emphasize competition on multiple-award contracts