
What, exactly, does a cloud broker do?

The role cloud brokers play in government IT remains largely undefined, but Microsoft's Susie Adams says the game is changing quickly.

Digital Government

Data-driven department to get chief data officer

The Commerce Department is looking for a CDO to carry out its vision for unlocking the potential of federal data.


Open Gov: Who's late out of the gate?

A handful of agencies, including the departments of State and Veterans Affairs, are lagging behind the pack in releasing their open government plans.


Keeping tabs on costs at Interior

A decision by senior IT officials to review every tech purchase of more than $3,000 has paid handsome dividends at the Interior Department.


Making the most of the cloud: A software-defined approach

Software-defined environments break down the silos between network, storage and computing capabilities -- something most agencies are just beginning to explore.


Federal hiring at a glance

The Partnership for Public Service's latest hiring report reveals a federal workforce that is not getting any bigger or younger.

Digital Government

Smartphones in space

NASA is sending the next generation of Google smartphones to the International Space Station with the goal of easing some of the workaday load for astronauts.


DOT CIO on cyber, shared services and 'technology that is changing constantly'

Transportation Department CIO Richard McKinney says striking a balance between centralized and decentralized IT is one of his greatest challenges.

Digital Government

A new face, renewed vision at GSA policy office

Christine Harada has two distinct focuses for what she wants to achieve at the Office of Governmentwide Policy.


'Social media as an applied science'

Two-year-old SocialGov is seeking a broader impact on the relationship between government and citizen.


Calling all women in IT

New research highlights the untapped potential of a more gender-balanced workforce.


CFPB's Ashwin Vasan: Build teams with 'a passion for doing things differently'

The CIO for the government's youngest agency says that even in start-up mode, building a culture of innovation is tricky.


You can lead a horse to data . . .

The goal of a NASA lecture and lab series is to lower the point of entry for people trying to access data, and to teach them how to use it.


Looking ahead in procurement can pay dividends for agencies

The spotlight on troubled federal IT project might loosen the purse strings a bit, suggests Capitol Solutions CEO David Taylor.

Digital Government

NOAA embraces the business of big data

Building on a February RFI, NOAA has put together its big data partnership business model, mapping out a way for government and industry to take government data to the next level.

Digital Government

Feds get resourceful in implementing DATA Act

A lack of new funding has forced Treasury and OMB to rethink how they massage the data they have.


Cutting costs with virtual conferencing

The space agency has years of experience in taking the travel out of meetings and events.

Digital Government

The technology taking NASA to Mars

The space agency showcases some of its innovations, big and small.


SEC trying out the business information officer

CIO Thomas Bayer brought the idea to government from his time at Capital One.