
Cloud: Are we there yet?

Maria Roat, Kevin Dulany and others discuss what's next for FedRAMP.


Managing the mobile workforce

As agencies log successes in enterprisewide initiatives, the familiar challenges of security and trust remain.


Agencies want more guidance on digital strategy

IT and HR managers are reasonably happy with the progress their agencies have made but want senior leaders to play a more active role.


Money, promiscuous partnering and 'intrapreneurs'

ACT-IAC workshop explores what's really required for innovation in the public sector.


The Internet of government things

U.S. CTO Todd Park and GSA Administrator Dan Tangherlini peg the Internet of things as a tool that could revolutionize the way government delivers services.


The myth of the telework gender gap

New data has destroyed the notion that teleworking is the nearly exclusive province of women with small children.


IT near top of human capital woes

Federal chief human capital officers told a GAO forum that agencies could be missing cost savings by not coordinating on HR IT.


Jennifer Kerber joins GSA

Former executive for TechAmerica Foundation and the Government Transformation Group will focus on the Federal Cloud Credential Exchange.


The CIO puzzle: 'It's not that simple'

In a year that has seen more departures and shuffles of chief information officers in government, a recent survey provides a glimpse into the mind of the CIO.


Behind the scenes of big data

Dell exec Paul Christman says health care and CDM are prime examples of government putting big data to good use.


The cost of compliance

Reacting to data security problems is costlier than taking steps to avoid them, a new report says.


NSA employs ever-improving facial-recognition technology

The National Security Agency’s revelation highlights the growing sophistication of facial-recognition tools available to government.


How to get the most out of mobility

Microsoft's Marco Manuello says being overly cautious on mobile is a good way to waste money.

Digital Government

Pointing to data-driven successes

The White House Energy Datapalooza highlighted what the Obama administration says are money-saving -- and planet-saving -- uses of big data.

Digital Government

Planning for the future STEMM shortfall

A new report from the IBM Center for the Business of Government highlights agency success stories and offers advice on STEMM succession planning.


VanRoekel bullish on OMB digital service's potential

Congressional approval needed to staff up, CIO says, but pilots prove agencies get real value.

Digital Government

NASA's new view of asteroids

NASA is partnering with Slooh, which has a global network of web-connected telescopes, to engage citizen scientists in helping track asteroids that might pose a threat to Earth.


Remembering the human element in innovation

Tighter budgets could be a catalyst for rethinking how government operates, says OMB's Kathryn Stack.


The state of cloud security

Industry giants say cloud security is a shared responsibility, with vendors providing the services and agencies responsible for creating secure apps and following standard practices.