Digital Government

The perfect forecast

Radar, satellites and computers played a leading role in helping National Weather Service forecasters predict 'the perfect storm' days in advance. The October 1991 storm ? one of the worst in a century ? pummeled the East Coast from Maine to Florida and served as the basis for the book (and movie) 'The Perfect Storm.'

Digital Government

Forecasting the perfect storm

Radar, satellites and computers played a role in helping predict 1991's 'perfect storm' days in advance, and forecasting technology is even better now

Digital Government

Task force may recommend $10M for training

A presidential task force is expected to recommend new millions to help agencies fund training technologies and programs


Panel urges new literacy for future work force

The 21st Century Workforce Commission warns that too many adults are unprepared for jobs in the new economy

Digital Government

NOAA takes weather information wireless

A new software application makes the latest weather forecasts and news available on wireless handheld devices


Savings for the future

Here's what to expect when the new Thrift Savings Plan system is completed next year


Software bugs stall savings plan

Delay keeps feds waiting for retirement system enhancements

Digital Government

Y2K lesson: Teamwork counts

As the Year 2000 Information Coordination Center officially closes its doors at the end of this month, Peter Kind, the ICC director, attributes much of the program's success to cooperation and teamwork.

Digital Government

Web resource open for minority businesses

The Minority Business Development Agency's Webbased locator system provides businesses owners with a single place to search for resources


One last Y2K lesson: 'People get the job done'

The Year 2000 Information Coordination Center officially closes this month, owing much of its success to teamwork

Digital Government

E-FOIA firm acquired

Metastorm, an e-business software developer, announced last month that it has acquired Software Systems Group Inc., a software consulting and development firm with customers in the federal government.


Agencies embrace credit cards

Agencies' use of government credit cards is on the rise, with sales estimated to exceed $16 billion this fiscal year


Retirement recordkeeping system postponed

The Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board announced yesterday that software problems have forced it to delay rollout of a new federal retirement recordkeeping system, slated for Oct. 1.


FAA gives exec planning a lift

For the Federal Aviation Administration, succession planning makes practical business sense: It is important to the agency's future success.


Putting the success in succession

If your senior information technology executives leave for another job or retirement, do you know who will take their place?

Digital Government

NIST office under fire

A National Institute of Standards and Technology program that funds risky, emerging technology continued on its rocky path last week when a House Appropriations subcommittee terminated its funding.


DOD: SPS makes headway

The Defense Department is making progress in moving its users to its new Standard Procurement System, which is designed to eliminate the paper from the department's contracting process.


Millions of dollars OK'd for crime-fighting IT

A House appropriations subcommittee approved funding to help fight drugs and violent crime, and for new tools to combat cybercrime and national security threats

Digital Government

Postal Service to deliver new systems

The U.S. Postal Service is making progress constructing an integrated 'Information Platform,' which is a core component of the agency's plan to conduct ebusiness

Digital Government

House panel axes ATP funds

A NIST program that funds risky, emerging technology continued on its rocky path when a House appropriations subcommittee voted to terminate its funding