Digital Government

Census unwraps RFP for DCS 2000 system

The Census Bureau gearing up for the Year 2000 decennial census released late last month a request for proposals for its Data Capture System 2000 the imagebased system that will process the millions of census forms that the public will fill out. As 2000 census forms come in DCS 2000 will digitally

Digital Government

NTIA funds model Internet projects

The Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration last week awarded $18.6 million in matching grants for technology projects designed to link rural communities and inner cities using the Internet and online services. Under the Telecommunications and Information I

Digital Government

Intellectual-property bill draws fire

A bill that would merge the Commerce Department's Patent and Trademark Office and the Library of Congress' Copyright Office into one organization faced opposition at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week. The Omnibus Patent Act of 1996 (S 1961) was introduced in July by Sen. Orrin Hatch (

Digital Government

UB Networks unveils Web-based management tools

UB Networks has introduced a suite of products that will allow network administrators to manage their networks from a World Wide Web browser. Called NetDirector@Web the suite of products allows for realtime management of the network and proactive network trend identification planning and analysis

Digital Government

Compaq unveils router based on Cisco system

Strengthening its position in the internetworking market Compaq Computer Corp. last week announced a lowcost router the company developed using Cisco Systems Inc.'s internetworking operating system and standard PC components. Compaq's Netelligent 8500 Communications Platform is the first router ba

Digital Government

Census embraces the Internet

The Commerce Department's Census Bureau has released a solicitation for an interactive system to permit employees and the general public to request access and manipulate census data over the Internet.~ ~This is one of the first major efforts by a "large government information producer to reengine

Digital Government

Internetworking, firewalls, videoconferencing in demand

LAN/WAN internetworking Internet firewalls and videoconferencing products are among the best sellers on the government's networkoriented contracts according to integrators and resellers who reported a heavy sales volume during the summer buying season. A recent International Data Corp. study showe

Digital Government

Banyan unveils Windows NT product, new version of Vines

Recognizing the acceptance of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NT in the government market Banyan Systems Inc. last week introduced a Windows NT version of its distributed directory services technology along with a new version of its Banyan VINES network operating system. The directory services product St

Digital Government

Lotus is first vendor to complete initial DMS testing

Product testing for the Defense Message System is making headway with Lotus Development Corp. emerging as the first DMS useragent vendor to complete the initial four test regimens. Lotus completed Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile (GOSIP) conformance testing which includes formal X.4

Digital Government

Hughes wins $171M patent office contract

The Patent and Trademark Office awarded Hughes Data Systems a contract for desktop computers late last month that could be worth as much as $171 million. Under the contract Hughes will provide 120 MHz and 133 MHz Pentiumbased PCs manufactured by Micron Electronics Inc. The company also will supply

Digital Government

Treasury e-mail pilot to take on DMS, GSA

The Treasury Department angling for a central role in the federal electronic messaging hierarchy is looking to establish a $1 million multipleagency pilot to offer messaging services governmentwide through its Treasury Communications System (TCS). With its proposal Treasury is challenging the Gene

Digital Government

Novell bundle makes NetWare, Internet link

Novell Inc. in heated competition with Microsoft Corp. and Windows NT in the network market announced a product bundle last week that will give NetWare users a way to create and manage their own internal intranets and connect them to the Internet. IntranetWare builds on the distributed services in

Digital Government

NTIS handles GSA documents

The Commerce Department's National Technical Information Service (NTIS) now manages and disseminates a collection of guides and documents from the General Services Administration's Office of Governmentwide Policy. Documents from the information technology and capital planning section collections ar

Digital Government

System tracks time, attendance

The Commerce Department's Office of Computer Services (OCS) is using a biometric time and accounting system dubbed the Integrated Time and Accounting System that it plans to market to other agencies. ITAS integrates various systems developed by CDSI Business Applications Solutions Co. (CDSI BAS) a

Digital Government

Ocean advocate dives into data

Henry Frey the new director of the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) has managed to dovetail his personal interests with his professional life. As an oceanographer diver and former professor of oceanography his passion for the ocean overlaps on a daily basis with his job of managing the lar

Digital Government

GSA prints final guide for X.500 directory

The General Services Administration's Center for Electronic Messaging Technologies (CEMT) has released final guidance for federal state and local agencies on what they need to do to create an X.500 government electronic directory that would provide access to each agency's key personnel and document

Digital Government

Electronic postmark trials focus on date, time stamps

In its first foray into electronic commerce the U.S. Postal Service started market trials this month for an electronic postmarking service that will verify that the date and time electronicmail software places on electronic documents are authentic. During the trial government and privatesector or

Digital Government

Lotus eyes DMS with Notes, Web offerings

Lotus Development Corp. expects to beef up offerings on the Defense Message System and other contracts with a slew of products introduced last week, including a Microsoft Windows NTfriendly version of Notes. Last week's announcements also covered Domino, the company's much anticipated World Wide W

Digital Government

USPS set to award $1B retail pact

The U.S. Postal Service is expected this week to award its landmark $1 billion, 10year Point of Service I contract, which is designed to deliver new retail and electronic commerce services and boost the service's mail delivery business. POS I will replace Unisys Corp. Integrated Retail Terminals (

Digital Government

House boosts Justice; Commerce, State suffer

In its continuing effort to fight crime, the House last month approved increases for many Justice Department information technology programs, particularly those in the FBI and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. But those increases came at a cost. The House approved smaller increases for so