Digital Government

Budget hawks watch IT projects

House, Senate appropriators revise fiscal 2002 funding for many programs

Digital Government

The Circuit

The Treasury Department this month started a new leadership group ? its own CXO Council

Digital Government

Funding energizes high-tech park

The Energy Department is giving a boost to the South Carolina Advanced Technology Park


Preserving knowledge

Virtual library gives Energy lab access to employee expertise


Energy CIO to get more clout

Restructuring gives chief information officer a direct line to the top of the department's management chain


How it works

Sandia's digital solution

Digital Government

NSF OKs computing grid

The National Science Foundation on Aug. 9 approved a $53 million program to develop the world's largest computing grid dedicated to supporting open scientific research

Digital Government

NSF plugs researchers into grid

The National Science Foundation approved a $53 million program to develop the world's largest computing grid


Systems to fake nuclear explosions

Los Alamos gets help in visualizing nuclear weapons effects without underground testing

Digital Government

General Dynamics bolsters gov IT

General Dynamics to acquire Motorola's Integrated Information Systems Group


Pair picked to deliver DOE software and Network Management will supply Microsoft enterprise software products

Digital Government

DynCorp wins SEC contract

The company will support the agency's IT infrastructure facilities nationwide

Digital Government

NetCom launches government group

Subsidiary will provide NetCom's Total NetWorks solutions to federal, state and local government customers


ATF extends seat management

Agency awards BPA to Unisys to cover computer services for 6,000 seats

Digital Government

Maximus catches a security wave

Under agreement, Maximus will offer Wave's security, application development products

Digital Government

Drug-testing firm on GSA schedule

American Bio Medica Corp. looks to increase government business in the probation arena

Digital Government

Tool keeps score on Web traffic

An Internet tool introduced in July will enable government agencies to find out how Web surfers are using their sites and what pages they visit while they are logged on

Digital Government

Jacada server provides one interface

A new tool from Jacada Ltd. promises to help federal agencies modernize their information technology systems


Telecenters: Down, but not out

The telework center seemed like an idea whose time had come


Culture clash

Whether they like it or not, federal managers are scrambling to meet telework quotas