Digital Government

Captive soldiers lacked critical GPS radios

The Army last week acknowledged that the three U.S. soldiers captured by the Yugoslav army were not outfitted with a specially designed radio that could have provided their rescuers with accurate information on their location. A spokesman for the Army confirmed that the three soldiers patrolling in

Digital Government

Soloway tapped to head Defense Reform Initiative

In a move designed to solidify a culture of reform throughout the Defense Department, Defense Secretary William Cohen recently shifted responsibility for the Defense Reform Initiative to the office overseeing the Pentagon's acquisition reform efforts. The organizational change places Stan Soloway,

Digital Government

HP solution serves small biz

HewlettPackard Co. last week released a new server designed to bring full backup and recovery technology to small and midsize businesses and government offices. The new HP NetServer E 60, which supports up to two Intel Corp. Pentium II or Pentium III processors, is perfectly suited for government

Digital Government

Hill to study DOD buying

A senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee plans to investigate additional acquisition reform initiatives as part of this year's budget process to address the failure of the Defense Department's procurement system to adequately support airmen operating on the front lines in Iraq and Kos

Digital Government

Spacecom upgrades for the future

The U.S. Space Command is planning a massive $1.8 billion upgrade project for the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center, Colorado Springs, Colo., that will lay the systems integration groundwork for a future national missile defense system. Industry sources expect the command to issue a solicitation

Digital Government

U.S. Army failed to issue systems that may have aided captured soldiers

The Defense Information Systems Agency today awarded Motorola Inc.'s Government Systems Operation a $219 million contract for equipment and accessories to support Defense Department communications through the Iridium LLC satellite network.

Digital Government

DOD taps Motorola for Iridium gear

The Defense Information Systems Agency today awarded Motorola Inc.'s Government Systems Operation a $219 million contract for equipment and accessories to support Defense Department communications through the Iridium LLC satellite network.

Digital Government

Serbia launches cyberattack on NATO

NATO's World Wide Web server has been rendered virtually inoperable as a result of a denial of service attack launched by an unknown number of cyberterrorists from an undisclosed location deep within Serbia, NATO officials announced today.

Digital Government

Melissa takes down Marine Corps e-mail

The fastspreading email virus Melissa has forced the Marine Corps to shut down its basetobase email communications at least until tomorrow, a spokeswoman for the Marines confirmed today.

Digital Government

Old IT risks pilots over Kosovo

Air Force and Navy pilots flying missions over lethal antiaircraft sites in Yugoslavia this month lack advanced technology systems that could better ensure their safety, including a new survival radio for downed air crews that the Pentagon rushed into development. A mix of political decisions, Def

Digital Government

DOD scales back GPS feature

Citing security reaspons, the U.S. Space Command this month stopped issuing important supplemental data on it

Digital Government

B-2 passes first real-world test

The $2 billion B2 stealth bomber, criticized last year for deficiencies in its onboard command and control systems, flew its first actual combat missions this week, successfully bombing targets in Yugoslavia despite poor weather.

Digital Government

Aerospace Expeditionary Force highlights DOD efforts to support operations with IT

Despite being involved in simultaneous military operations in Iraq, Bosnia, Macedonia and now Yugoslavia, the Department of Defense this week discounted concerns about the high tempo of late and cited the Air Force's new Aerospace Expeditionary Force concept as one of the measures it is taking to lessen future burdens.

Digital Government

Urban warfare tech may alter Corps

OAKLAND, Calif. The Marine Corps, the most traditionbound of the military services, this week launched a major exercise using advanced information networks that one day may fundamentally alter the way the Corps organizes its forces and carries out operations. The Marines' Urban Warrior experimen

Digital Government

Finding success in security

Security professionals, particularly those specializing in Internet security and critical infrastructure protection, learn quickly that maintaining a low profile is the key to success and the lifeblood of the information security trade. However, striking a balance between anonymity and the necessit

Digital Government

Navy tests virtual medical command center

The Navy's 3rd Fleet, known for its exploits during World War II under Adm. William F. Bull Halsey, last week launched an experiment using information technology to better coordinate the medical care of military and civilian patients.

Digital Government

New Compaq server targets data centers

Compaq Computer Corp. today unveiled a fourprocessor enterprise server the company said provides enough horsepower to support the industry's most demanding business applications while offering a form factor perfectly suited for spaceconstrained data centers. The announcement of the ProLiant 6400R

Digital Government

AF awards final round of BPAs

The Air Force this week awarded a fourth and final round of 24 blanket purchase agreements under a $750 million program to provide information technology support services.


Local officials deal another blow to Marine high-tech exercise

The Marine Corps today canceled an amphibious landing scheduled for tomorrow that would have kicked off a major high-tech military exercise here, after local officials cited environmental concerns.

Digital Government

DOD center test drives Oracle Financials

The Defense Energy Support Center, the agency responsible for providing global fuel energy support to the Defense Department, recently began testing Oracle Corp.'s Financials software as part of an enterprisewide effort to reinvent the agency's business processes. The official use of Oracle Financi