Digital Government

Raytheon wins B-2 bomber training, logistics contract

The Air Force last week awarded Raytheon Training Inc. a 10year, $150 million contract to provide the full range of contractor logistics support services for the stealth bomber. The B2 Training System includes aircrew and maintenance training devices, hardware and software support, software and c

Digital Government

Sterling's Army pact supports intell

The Army Intelligence and Security Command (Inscom) last week awarded Sterling Software Inc. a $42 million contract for professional and technical services in support of the Intelligence Master Plan, a project that defines future information systems requirements and an investment strategy for Army

Digital Government

GAO suggests cuts in DOD '99 IT budget

The General Accounting Office this month sent a letter to Congress recommending a reduction of $181 million in the Defense Department's fiscal 1999 funding request for information technology. According to GAO, 'these reductions...can be made because schedules have slipped, requirements have changed

Digital Government

State looks to IT after bombings

In the aftermath of terrorist attacks against U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania this month, experts are calling for a renewed focus on information technologies that may help deter future attacks. After bombs ripped the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, killing 257 people, includin

Digital Government

Rational ships Apex 3.0

Rational Software Corp., a provider of application development tools for Unix environments, last week began shipping Rational Apex 3.0, the latest version of its Adabased programming language environment. Company officials said Rational Apex 3.0 provides an integrated, teamoriented programming en

Digital Government

DOD research program seeks IT, doctrine link

Continuing an effort that began in 1995 to study the impact of information technology on military command and control, the Defense Department last month requested research proposals that can help DOD make better use of IT in the battlefield. The broad agency announcement (BAA) was issued by the Com

Digital Government

EdgeMark opens 3-D lab near D.C.

EdgeMark Systems Inc. last month pioneered the creation of a collaborative 3D visualization lab in McLean, Va., aimed at fostering greater awareness of visual simulation technologies throughout the federal government. The RealityZone 3D is a joint effort between EdgeMark's Government Technology Gr

Digital Government

TRW delivers radiation-hardened satellite chips

TRW Inc. last week announced the final delivery to the Air Force of a highperformance, radiationhardened microprocessor capable of supporting military and commercial satellite and guidedmissile requirements. Completing a 1990 contract awarded by the Air Force Research Laboratory Information Dire

Digital Government

DOD to use IT for nuke cleanup

Marking the final stage of a 10year, multimilliondollar environmental restoration project, the Defense Special Weapons Agency last month issued a request for proposals to develop cuttingedge information technologies to help clean up the remnants of a Cold Warera nuclear weapons disaster. The RF

Digital Government

Sun Fed enters NT debate

When Scott McNealy, the president and chief executive officer of Sun Microsystems Inc., first coined the phrase 'The network is the computer' in 1987, only one application was available for Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system, and Microsoft had not reached the $400 million mark in total reve

Digital Government

SmartDB upgrades app integration tool

SmartDB Corp., a Palo Alto, Calif.based provider of enterprise application integration software, last month announced a new and improved version of its SmartDB Workbench tool for enterprise application integration. The move to distributed networks and data warehousing has created a need for applic

Digital Government

DLA data errors let tech gear out

Problems with the Defense Department's system for tracking excess military equipment have resulted in the inadvertent sale to the public of electronic components containing classified and highly sensitive technologies, according to a report released last week by the General Accounting Office. Betwe

Digital Government

IT at core of mission

Debra M. Filippi entered a brave new world 10 months ago when she accepted the post of deputy assistant chief of staff for command, control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I) systems integration for the Marine Corps. But the 42yearold Arlington, Va., native brought more than two de

Digital Government

Navy upgrades tactical systems

The Navy last month awarded Lockheed Martin Corp. two contracts potentially worth more than $473 million to integrate commercial offtheshelf information technology into the entire inventory of Navy tactical display and computing systems. In the most recent and lucrative award, Lockheed Martin col

Digital Government

Army, AF tap 3 for grab-bag buy

The Army and the Air Force last week awarded contracts to three vendors under a $5 billion program to provide an extensive range of services and parts that are needed to support aging missioncritical systems throughout the federal government. The Rapid Response to Critical Systems Requirements (R2

Digital Government

DOD programs to protect systems against cyberattacks

The Army this month kicked off a plan to deploy to 400 of its bases worldwide a system that will monitor and detect intrusions to networks, marking one of the first uses of an enterprisewide information assurance solution in the Defense Department. As part of its Command and Control Protect (C2 Pro

Digital Government

AF awards $486M training pact

The Air Force this month awarded contracts to five vendors under a $486 million program that will provide the Air Force and the Defense Department with training and simulation applications. Under the the Training Systems Acquisition (TSA) contracts program, the Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) at

Digital Government

Intergraph beefs up 3-D

Intergraph Corp. last week introduced the first of a new generation of graphics technology that is designed to dramatically improve 3D graphics performance on Microsoft Corp.'s Windows NTbased workstations. Announced at the Special Interest Group on Computer Graphic's Siggraph '98 show in Orlando

Digital Government

HP introduces Pentium II Xeon workstations

HewlettPackard Co. last week announced two new Windows NTbased workstations aimed at mechanical designers, software developers, financial analysts and multimedia authoring professionals who require maximum2D and 3D performance. The HP Kayak XW PC Workstation and the Kayak XU PC Workstation are

Digital Government

Critics question 'Star Wars' tech

While recent nuclear tests by developing nations have renewed calls for a secondgeneration 'Stars Wars' program, critics last week charged that the United States' proposed missile defense program cannot be deployed fast enough and may not work once fielded. The United States has been studying the