Digital Government

IT warfare test starts

The Marine Corps was expected to kick off this past weekend the last of a series of experiments to test cuttingedge information technologies and new methods of conducting military operations in cities. Limited Objective Experiment 3 (LOE 3) is part of the Urban Warrior series of tests, which the M

Digital Government

Panasonic CF-M31 challenges Toshiba Libretto

With the introduction of its 2.2pound CFM31 subnotebook computer running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows 95, Panasonic Personal Computer Co. has launched an attack on Toshiba America Information Systems Inc.'s popular Libretto, which is now in its third generation of development. The CFM31 from Panaso

Digital Government

Optivision helps DISA communicate with video

Optivision Inc., a Palo Alto, Calif.based developer of professional network video communications products, recently provided the Defense Information Systems Agency with a suite of equipment that is changing the way the agency shares and accesses information. 'One of the things [the Defense Departm

Digital Government

GAO to Navy: Get control of your Year 2000 efforts

In the latest of a string of reports criticizing the Defense Department's efforts to address its Year 2000 problems, the General Accounting Office took aim at the Navy with a searing indictment of the service's Year 2000 management and oversight controls. In a report released last week, 'Defense Co

Digital Government

DOD preps office for cyberdefense

The Defense Department plans to create a new military organization to spearhead DOD's effort to protect the nation's critical computer systems against information warfare attacks, marking the first time DOD has taken responsibility for protecting infrastructure within the United States. Under the p

Digital Government

Force XXI oversight revisited

The Defense Department is considering whether to upgrade the level of oversight of one its key programs the Army needs to field the first 'digitized' division by the end of fiscal 2000. The program, called the Force XXI Battle Command, Brigade and Below (FBCB2), will constitute the primary command

Digital Government

GAO: DOD work force cuts saving little

The Defense Department is well on its way to accomplishing a 25 percent reduction in its acquisition work force by fiscal 2000, but expected savings from the cuts may prove to be elusive, according to a recent report from the General Accounting Office. DOD slashed almost 60,000 acquisition jobs fro

Digital Government

Navy spends billions on mine-detection IT

The Navy is undertaking a billiondollar research effort to apply cuttingedge information technologies to detect mines placed in the coastal waters of the world's oceans and seas, a move that some experts believe is critical to the success of future Navy and Marine Corps warfighting strategies. Si

Digital Government

GAO blasts bomber's IT

The General Accounting Office reported last month that problems with the command and control systems used aboard the Air Force's costly stealth bomber contributed to a list of deficiencies that limit the aircraft's ability to carry out bombing missions, a conclusion some experts said is inaccurate.

Digital Government

Senate panel obliterates infowar funds

The Senate Appropriations Committee last month gave the goahead to a bill that strips the Defense Department of funds to protect against information warfare attacks. Following the lead of the House, the Senate version of the 1999 Defense appropriations bill eliminates all $69.9 million requested b

Digital Government

SSG takes over Air Force's struggling IC4I contract

The nearly billiondollar program established to provide the intelligence and military command and control communities with information technology products and services last month pulled up stakes in a lastditch effort to breathe life into the struggling contract. The Integration for Command, Cont

Digital Government

GAO: 'No one in charge' of Y2K

The General Accounting Office's chief scientist last week said 'no one is in charge' of the federal government's Year 2000 preparations and that nobody knows for sure just how much headway the government is making in its battle against the clock. Speaking at the Year 2000 National Security and the

Digital Government

GAO to Navy: Get control of your Year 2000 efforts

In the latest of a string of reports criticizing the Defense Department's efforts to address its Year 2000 problems, the General Accounting Office took aim at the Navy with a searing indictment of the service's Year 2000 management and oversight controls. In a report released last week, 'Defense Co

Digital Government

GAO rips SSA's $1B modernization project

The Social Security Administration's $1 billion modernization effort faces significant technical and management challenges, thereby threatening the program's continued progress and success, according to a report released this month by the General Accounting Office. Under the Intelligent Workstation

Digital Government

DOD simulation project meets first milestone

The Defense Department's system for conducting modeling and simulation to train troops for realworld missions recently completed its first major milestone, validating DOD's initiative to have the services work together on simulation programs. Modeling and simulation technologies are becoming incre

Digital Government

High-tech warriors, high-tech wars

After years of developing advanced information technology for the battlefield, the military services are poised to reduce the number of people sent into battle, largely by using IT to improve the way forces are supplied. Of course, the Defense Department has steadily reduced the size of the armed f

Digital Government

HP guns for SGI in DOD market

HewlettPackard Co. this month launched an aggressive campaign aimed at unseating Silicon Graphics Inc. for leadership in the Unixbased graphics workstations market, specifically for military battlefield simulation. The campaign comes as HP prepares to introduce this August its 64bit operating sy

Digital Government

Air Force's mega IC4I pact finds new home at Alabama

The $929 million program established to provide the intelligence and military command and control communities with information technology products and services recently pulled up stakes and moved to the Air Force's Standard Systems Group (SSG) in Montgomery, Ala., in a lastditch effort to breathe new life into the lagging contract.

Digital Government

Social Security Administration's mega-modernization effort threatened, GAO reports

The General Accounting Office reported last week that continued success of the Social Security Administration's $1 billion modernization effort is threatened by significant technical and performance measurement challenges.

Digital Government

DOD enlists industry help on telemedicine project

Strategic Monitored Services (SMS) Inc. has teamed with Sprint's Government Systems Division and the Defense Department to kick off a 13month pilot to study the viability of using World Wide Webbased telemedicine technology to treat chronically ill patients. The $4.7 million project, which is sch