
Government information sharing efforts remain a mixed bag

The rollout of a new tool in 2017 has improved information sharing across the federal government, but other once promising programs are withering on the vine.


Security researchers seek clarity on legal protections in CISA vulnerability disclosure directive

Some notable names in the security research community have already weighed in on a draft order directing federal agencies to set up their own vulnerability disclosure programs.


Congress agrees on $425 million in election grants to states

The funding deal ditches stronger mandates from the House version in favor of broader language that gives states wide latitude on how to spend the funds.


More agencies are using FedRAMP, but some are still going rogue

While hundreds of additional government cloud projects are being vetted for cybersecurity every year, a GAO audit makes clear that many agencies are still standing up programs without going through FedRAMP.


Senate's CISA subpoena bill adds privacy protections to DHS proposal

The draft legislation would require DHS to set up internal protocols to document and justify how it uses the authority and report to Congress on its effectiveness.


CISA subpoena bill set to land

The legislation will make a number of changes from a proposal submitted by DHS, narrowing the scope of the authorities to critical infrastructure IT and only for cybersecurity purposes.


Report: aviation industry playing catch up on cybersecurity

A new report from the Atlantic Council argues that aircrafts have become highly complex, "flying data centers," but the industry and government are behind on protecting them from cyber threats and sabotage.


Advisory group looks to redesign federal cyber response

The National Infrastructure Advisory Council wants new agencies to tackle "existential" cyber threats.


'Technical irregularities' plagued contact chaining at NSA

ODNI's privacy czar said bad data from telecoms irrevocably tainted the contact-chaining process that was at the heart of the NSA's Call Detail Records program.


Cybercrime at the center of IRS investigations in 2019

Officials from the agency's criminal investigations unit touted a major shift over the past year towards multi-stakeholder partnerships to investigate cybercrime and cryptocurrencies in financial crime.


CBP walks back facial recognition for citizens

The reversal took place after "consultation with Congress and privacy experts," a Customs and Border Protection spokesman says.


NIST official says post-quantum environment still years away

Despite industry claims of quantum supremacy, a NIST official said there's no danger in the near future that modern tools will be able break current encryption methods.


SEC names new Cyber Unit chief

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced senior advisor Kristina Littman will lead a cyber unit that has increasingly focused on unregulated and fraudulent cryptocurrency activity.


UN, tech companies team up to host innovation contest

A collection of tech companies seeking to push new cyber norms are working with the United Nations to launch a new initiative asking young entrepreneurs to develop technologies that will foster digital peace.


With U.S. cyber policy, clear lanes still hard to come by

The elevation of CISA and maturation of Cyber Command have clarified "big picture" responsibilities for the U.S. government's cyber mission, but private-sector coordination remains a question mark.


CISA rolls out post-election audit tool for 2020

The software, Arlo, is an open source tool and election officials from Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri, Virginia, Ohio and Georgia have all signed on thus far.


Manfra announces plans to step down from CISA

One of the federal government's top cybersecurity officials announced she would be stepping down at the end of the year.


Updated FISMA guidance puts new reporting mandates on agencies

Updated guidance from OMB outlines timelines and deliverables for reporting security incidents, information sharing and vulnerability scans of federal systems and websites.

Digital Government

On election security, U.S. government leaving much on the table

Expert witnesses warned Congress that the U.S. government has largely failed to address a number of known security shortfalls related to the 2020 and future elections.


Zangardi out at DHS

John Zangardi, CIO for the Department of Homeland Security, sent an email to staff Friday announcing he would be stepping down.