
ODNI says it does not collect geolocation data under Patriot Act

Intelligence agencies say they haven't used a controversial surveillance law to collect cell location data since a landmark Supreme Court case last year, but reserve the right to do so in the future.


DHS wants better coordination on ICS security

A top cyber official at the Department of Homeland Security said the agency is looking across industrial sectors and federal agencies when it comes to protecting critical infrastructure from cyber and physical threats.

Digital Government

House panel mulls new election tech specs

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee will mark up new legislation Nov. 14 that would mandate new research into voting machine cybersecurity vulnerabilities and update the way the government certifies such equipment.

Digital Government

Report: election vendors need more federal oversight

A virtual oligopoly over voting technology by three private vendors and a lack of federal regulatory pressure has led to dangerous security vulnerabilities in the nation's election infrastructure, according to a new report.


Cryptocurrency tracking improves -- but how?

The IRS and other tax enforcement agencies are touting big improvements in tracing the use of cryptocurrencies in tax evasion and other criminal schemes. They just don't want to talk about how.


NSA says it can collect metadata for encrypted comms

During a hearing to discuss reauthorization for a number of controversial spying authorities, intelligence and law enforcement officials indicated they could sweep up logistical records related to encrypted communications.

Digital Government

Cyber firm sows chaos in election hack simulation

The fictional city of Adversaria became ground zero in an election security training exercise pitting real federal and law enforcement officials against mysterious cyber group aiming to disrupt and undermine voter confidence.


Rip and repay?

The federal government is pushing U.S. telecoms to take out gear from Huawei and other Chinese companies that may threaten their networks, but who is going to pay for the work?


Nonprofit rolls out discounted cyber support for political campaigns

A Federal Elections Commission-sanctioned nonprofit group has announced partnerships with a number of companies to offer free or cheap cybersecurity services to candidates running for federal office.

Digital Government

Voting machines still easy prey for determined hackers

A security exercise to demonstrate voting machine vulnerabilities has captured the attention of some in Congress, but one Democratic chairman said "it's all for naught" if Republicans aren't on board.


Lieu seeks answers from White House about cybersecurity purge

A member of Congress wants Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney to answer for recent reports that indicate the White House's cybersecurity team has been gutted.


Rogers warns on 'stovepiped' cybersecurity

The ranking member of the House Homeland Security Committee said agencies should be coordinating their cybersecurity efforts under CISA's direction and leadership.


Lawmaker pushes online verification to combat disinformation

Mandatory ID checks for social media platforms could help fight propaganda, but experts worry about privacy tradeoffs.

Digital Government

Security, modernization and people are key IRS challenges

The IRS should focus the next year on modernizing IT, improving security controls for its primary e-filing tool, eliminating critical vulnerabilities in servers used for personal devices and addressing its "serious" human capital crisis, according to Treasury auditors.


Senate investigation pins CPSC breaches on 'incompetence'

Poor software design and lack of trainings were found to be responsible for a series of data breaches that touched 10,000 manufactures and 30,000 consumers.

Digital Government

Why CISA wants subpoena authority to probe cyber risks

In a proposal to Congress reviewed by FCW, the cybersecurity agency said it had encountered at least six occasions in the past year where they have not been able to identify and warn the owners of vulnerable IPs.

Digital Government

Election security lessons from Illinois

Officials express confidence that 2020 won't be a repeat of 2016, but testimony from state and local officials indicate that substantial security holes still exist.


CISA requests administrative subpoena power over ISPs

The proposal would allow government cybersecurity officials to legally request identifying information from internet providers about the owners of vulnerable systems


NSA official: 'Dumb' software supply chain attacks still prevalent

Vulnerabilities in the software supply chain may represent a larger cybersecurity threat over the long haul than threats to physical hardware.

Digital Government

No clear solutions to combat foreign election meddling

The Senate’s report confirms previous research and investigations on Russian social media activity in 2016, but sees little role for Congress in preventing future deceptions.