
DISA looks for new talent

DISA is looking for new employees, including some with IT expertise.

Digital Government

Senators voice support for CTO nominee

Members of the Senate Commerce Committee support CTO nominee Aneesh Chopra; a confirmation vote is expected May 20.


Air Force selects cyber headquarters site

A new, numbered Air Force headquarters dedicated to cyber issues will likely be located at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, officials said.


FAQ: Obama's cloud initiative

Cloud computing got a big plug this month when President Barack Obama included an endorsement of the technology in his 2010 budget request. The budget document highlights the benefits of cloud computing and directs agencies to launch pilot projects using the new approach.


Industry skeptical of proposed contractor cuts

Some companies disagree with the president’s plans to reduce the defense contractor workforce, but they are reluctant to antagonize their federal customers.


DOD seeks e-mail security for grid network

The Defense Department wants information from industry on how to provide e-mail security for its Global Information Grid network.


White House needs phone, data lines for trips

The White House Communications Agency is seeking information on providing temporary access to voice, data and videoconferencing services for the president while he's traveling.


House passes technology R&D bill

The measure seeks to strengthen collaboration among government agencies, industry and academia on IT research and development projects.


Obama creates public engagement office

A new office will use blog postings and other interactive tools so the public can participate in the administration's work.


White House wants cloud computing

In the 2010 budget request, the administration calls for cloud computing to be a major part of technology modernization in the federal government.


Navy seeks info on NGEN project

The Navy wants comments about technical solutions for the network that will replace the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet.


White House proposes cuts to FCS

The budget request would cut funding by more than $600 million for the Future Combat Systems program.


NASA wins two awards for sites

NASA’s primary Web site won a People’s Voice award, and the Cassini mission site was named best science site.


Coordinated efforts needed to fight cyberattacks

Agencies must prepare to face adversaries capable of launching persistent attacks from multiple locations, experts say at a cybersecurity conference.


Expert: White House needs cybersecurity coordinator

An expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies said the job of securing government networks is too big for one person to be its operational leader.


Industry group pushing for cybersecurity chief

Officials at TechAmerica, a technology industry association, say a cybersecurity chief would provide vendors with the clear guidance they need to develop products for government.


Cyber leaders must coordinate to avoid conflicts

If the Obama administration has three separate offices guiding federal information technology, observers warn that they will need close coordination to avoid confusing overlap.


Avatar to aid DIA recruiting

DIA recruiters will use an upcoming public event to showcase technology that simulates security interviews.


Risks bedevil new technologies

Technological advances can bring significant improvements in the way we do our jobs, manage information and collaborate with others, but be careful: Almost every step forward comes with a new set of risks.


Official: Collaboration is key to successful government

White House official Beth Noveck says the collaborative model used for open-source software should be adopted by the federal government.