
Technology: The problem and solution for Postal Service's $238 billion shortfall

USPS says improved Web presence and mobile apps are key initiatives in its strategy to climb out of the red.


Service Academy Apps Go Paperless

Applying for nomination to West Point just got a little faster and more environmentally friendly. Vice President Joe Biden on Monday announced the launch of an <a href=>online application</a> for several U.S. service academies.


Security concerns and changing marketplace make GSA rethink cloud computing plan

A new request for quotations will account for industry developments, associate administrator says.


Banana vs. Pringles

With more than 2,400 Web pages, the federal .gov space is full of little-known and interesting tools. The Agriculture Department, for example, comes to the rescue of all those in need of quick nutrition information.

Digital Government

GSA solicits comments on contractor performance database

System to track legal violations ups reporting requirements for contract and grant recipients.


Obama administration to focus 2011 IT budget on streamlining

Chief information officers say efficiency will be important in building security and transparency, and managing investments.

Digital Government

Defense Department opens up to social media

New policy grants all personnel access to social networks but continues to block sites related to pornography, gambling and hate crimes.


Army Launches Tech-Focused App

The Defense Department is known to be high tech, but the general public doesn't often hear about much of what goes on inside the Pentagon walls. In the spirit of engagement, the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command last week debuted Army Technology Live, a free iPhone app intended to build dialogue around Army tech initiatives.


Track Your Census Participation

The 2010 census is fast approaching, and a friendly challenge could help boost public excitement. The Census Bureau today launched an <a href="" target="blank">online mapping tool</a> showing the 2000 census' participation rates across states, counties and cities.


Open Government Momentum Continues

Agencies continue to innovate in response to the Obama administration's open government initiatives, said panelists at a Wednesday event sponsored by Government Executive, Nextgov's sister publication.

Digital Government

Software defects threaten 2010 census rollout

System errors and a short network testing period put pressure on decennial count, observers say.

Ideas Plus YouTube

The General Services Administration wants to know: has, the all-encompassing government information portal, made your life easier?

Digital Government

Panel: Obama's open government directive faces hurdles

Transparency has improved, but concrete policies must follow, analysts say.


Second Life at Work

The Agriculture Department is going virtual, and employees may soon be able to conduct business through 3D avatars rather than traditional teleconferencing, email or good old-fashioned staff meetings.


There's an App for That

If you've ever had a burning desire to read Zachary Taylor's inaugural address, wondered about the exact wording of the Mayflower Compact or simply forgotten the 17th Amendment, don't worry. There's an app for that.

Digital Government

Panel: Open Networx to states and localities to expand broadband use

The contract's lower prices for telecommunications could make it easier to expand high-speed Internet to underserved areas.

Digital Government

Labor moves to paperless pension filing

New electronic system will bring significant savings for the department, contractor says.


Social Networking: In. Blogging: Out.

Teens and young adults are moving away from blogging and using Facebook and other social media sites in increasing numbers, according to a <a href="" target="blank">recent study</a> from the Pew Research Center.


Another Government Dashboard

The Office of Management and Budget on Tuesday announced the debut of another <a href="" target="blank">IT dashboard</a>, this time as a window into the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.

Digital Government

Contractors will see 2.5 percent drop in quarterly revenue, research firm says

Weather-related federal closures have affected companies with mid-Atlantic operations.