
The Administration in 140 Characters

The Democratic National Committee last week announced a new job opening sure to invite a flood of responses. The position? <a href="" target="blank">Social networks manager</a>, otherwise known as Barack Obama's twitterer.


Software developers are to blame for most cyberattacks, say security experts

Researchers release a new list of dangerous programming errors.


Xbox to Aid E-Health?

The Xbox, Microsoft's powerful video game console, may soon be good for more than just virtual basketball games and war simulations. Company researchers currently are looking to adapt the device to various healthcare needs, including the transfer and display of electronic medical records.


OSTP Launches New Web Site

The Office of Science and Technology Policy on Wednesday announced the launch of its redesigned <a href="" target="blank">Web portal</a>, which updates the old site's features and incorporates a few new ones.


Taking Twitter Too Far?

Sun Microsystems Chief Executive Officer Jonathan Schwartz late last week announced his resignation on Twitter. His <a href="">tweet</a> incorporated a bit of haiku -- Financial crisis/Stalled too many customers/CEO no more -- and fell just below the platform's 140-character maximum. When major private sector players start using social media to break news, will others follow suit?


Operating Status: Down

With record-breaking snow pounding the Washington area over the weekend (and more expected tonight and tomorrow), much has been made of the Office of Personnel Management's decision to close the federal government two days in a row. Feds in the DC/Maryland/Virginia area have been so anxious for news that OPM's operating status page has been down for brief periods on both Sunday and Monday nights.


Use E-mail or Pay $15,000 Penalty?

Small businesses that don't have email may find themselves in trouble with the Labor Department, according to The Pension Department, a New York-based consultancy.


Crowdsourcing Contests Continue

When it comes to brainstorming solutions for just about anything, federal agencies under the Obama administration like to turn first to their employee suggestion boxes -- which often are attached to major rewards.


Open Government Deadline Eve

Tomorrow (February 6) marks the next deadline in the Obama administration's Open Government Directive, the date by which agencies must have a new Web page up and running.


With budget released, administration starts pushing cloud message

White House wants more than $100 million to fund programs and to develop standards, but the investment will result in significant savings, federal chief information officer says.


Senate Confirms Johnson as GSA Chief

The Senate today confirmed Martha Johnson as General Services Administration administrator, nearly ten months after her nomination to the post.


You Ask, YouTube Answers

President Obama on Monday addressed the nation, but not from the Oval Office or the House floor. Instead, he got on YouTube and answered questions from videos uploaded by users around the world.


Google Goes to Washington -- Again

If ever there were doubts about Google ruling the world (or at least parts of it), a recent addition to President Obama's technology focused staff might settle some uncertainty.


Budget freeze could lead agencies to focus on IT projects that reduce costs, report says

Agencies should strategically invest in solutions such as standardization and cloud computing that lead to less spending.