Digital Government

Administrator calls collaboration key to FAA's NextGen

New air traffic control system will continue to run into problems unless the agency can convince employees to work together and finalizes key policies such as who can access flight information and who pays for upgrades to planes.


Mobility Matters

In a recent <a href=>blog post</a>, General Services Administration Chief Information Officer Casey Coleman highlighted the proliferation of smartphone use across government and the mobility that comes with them. Sure, smartphones enable users to check e-mail, but mobile apps also provide the capability to track packages, access databases and submit expense reports. But like any technology, smartphones present certain challenges for government users, she writes.

Digital Government

On Interagency Collaboration

InformationWeek on Thursday <a href=>reported</a> that the Health IT Policy Committee's certification workgroup is considering a partnership with the Food and Drug Administration to develop an electronic health records certification program.


Your Friday Cyber Break

What is Moonlight Maze? No, not the latest installment of the popular Twilight saga. Rather, it's the code name for a 1998 cyber attack on NASA, the Pentagon and the Energy Department. The attack, which originated in Russia, was one of 33 major cyber incidents in the United States from 1997 to 2010, according to Aviation Week.

Digital Government

FAA planners size up workforce demands with new air traffic control system

It's too soon to know how NextGen programs will change staffing and training needs, officials say.


IBM Takes on Aviation Security

Cyber attacks keep Federal Aviation Administrator Randy Babbitt up at night. In a speech Thursday at the FAA IT conference in Orlando, Fla., Babbitt highlighted the importance of professionalism, information sharing and security awareness in combatting cyber threats.

Digital Government

Soundbytes: Lipstick, Medicare and The Census

The weekly review of comments.


Education Error Message

President Obama has put the government in charge of student loans, but it appears that the federal IT system isn't quite prepared to handle that responsibility.

Digital Government

Conservative views will slow government IT adoption

Agencies will lag behind the private sector in innovation and online collaboration, study says.


GSA Continues Acquisitions Shakeup

The General Services Administration on Tuesday announced another leadership change in its Federal Acquisition Service, the office responsible for coordinating goods and services for government agencies. Jon Jordon, controller for FAS, will serve as acting deputy commissioner starting April 3.

Digital Government

Senators concerned over savings lost due to Networx delays

Agencies should share transition plans by April 9, oversight committee says.

Digital Government

IT problems still hound Census as it readies count

GAO warns needed fixes to major systems might not be finished before it starts counting citizens who didn't return forms, but bureau officials say they will be ready in time.


Acquisition by Wiki?

Collaboration, crowdsourcing and social media may be the way forward when it comes to improving government processes.


Y'all Come Back Now

I'm from the South -- the same lovely city as the infamous <a href="">Paula Deen</a> -- and every now and then I appreciate finding someone in the D.C. area who speaks my language. That's right. I say "y'all."


GSA chief says agency will 'up its game' with technology

Administrator Martha Johnson says improving the flow of information and data, and more reliance on social media will provide better service to agencies and will be what drives growth.


Stand Up and Be Counted

We're a little over a week into the 2010 decennial census -- most census forms were delivered between March 15 and 17 -- and it's time for a progress report, courtesy of the Census Bureau's new <a href=>Web mapping feature</a>.


USPS Takes to the Web to Explain

The U.S. Postal Service launched on Wednesday a <a href=>Web site</a> to explain their controversial proposal for five-day mail delivery.

Digital Government

Senate passes $35 billion FAA reauthorization bill

Lawmakers push agency to continue deploying upgrades to air traffic control system at the busiest U.S. airports by 2014.


Study: Cybersecurity remains top concern for federal CIOs

Agency mission should drive security decisions, officials say.


FCC: Agencies need common cloud computing vision

Security concerns must be addressed as new technologies are adopted, broadband plan says.