Digital Government

Obama Picks CMS Nominee

President Obama <a href=>announced</a> on Monday his choice of Donald Berwick, a Harvard professor and president of the Institute for Health Care Improvement, to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


Government Requests to Google

Ever tried to watch your favorite YouTube video, only to find out that it is no longer available? Did you even know that law enforcement and government agencies can request that information be removed from Google servers?

Digital Government

Is Texting Taking Over?

American teens are texting up a storm, and many are more likely to text than talk, according to a <a href=>new survey</a> from the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project. But as this generation moves into the workplace, will technology use cause their social skills, and therefore their job contributions, to suffer?

Digital Government

GSA announces new chief of staff

Michael Robertson will focus on sustainability, open government, economic recovery and contracting.

Digital Government

Monitoring Data Breaches

The Health and Human Services Department is stepping up to contain and investigate health data breaches, <em>Government Health IT</em> <a href=>reported</a> last week.


GSA Announces PSA Contest Winner

Peter Sullivan of Nashville, Tenn. uses <a href=></a>, the government's do-it-all Internet portal, to identify his congressional representative, find tax information and read up on student loan information. He's also the winner of a $2,500 prize from the General Services Administration's public service announcement contest, which asked the public to submit videos about the website's most useful features.

Digital Government

Revamped Thrift Savings website could be delayed until June

Load tests must be completed and multimedia features will be added as the project evolves, officials say.

Digital Government

A New Core Competency

Dr. David Blumenthal, the national coordinator for health information technology, has a lot of confidence in the future of his field. But he also acknowledges that since health IT workers will be in high demand as medical professionals adopt new systems, it will take time to for the workforce to match the pace of IT development.


What'd You Learn in School Today?

Sharing. This key kindergarten lesson has many real-life applications, including a few in cyberspace. Collaboration and teamwork are the keys to effective cybersecurity programs, according to Homeland Security Department officials.

Digital Government

Soundbytes: Hiring, Spying, Twitter and Beer

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.


Your Tweets, Archived for Eternity

Think those 140-character ideas you have will be forgotten? Think again--the Library of Congress on Wednesday announced that it will acquire and archive every public tweet--ever--starting from Twitter's inception in 2006. According to the Library's Facebook page, that's more than 50 million per day and billions in total.


Web Design Duds

The .Gov space has thousands upon thousands of Web sites. Some are sleek and user-friendly (<a href=></a>, for example), while others appear to be forgotten projects from the Internet's early days. Austin Carr over at <em>Fast Company</em> has compiled a <a href=>slideshow</a> of the best and worst of government web design.

Digital Government

Library of Congress to archive public Tweets

Collection will be used for research and other purposes after six-month period.

Digital Government

Acceptance of controversial body scanners is high, survey says

Travelers willing to sacrifice personal privacy for improved airline security.


Social Media Primer

Jesse Stanchak over at SmartBlog on Social Media wrote an interesting <a href=>post</a> today on the ABCs of pitching to influencers (the media, basically). His theory: The widespread use of Web 2.0 technologies doesn't automatically equate to the effective use of those tools. Can his tips for using social media apply to federal agencies hoping to reach to the general public?


Facebook Fracas

Facebook, the popular social networking site, is facing concerns from users over proposed revisions to its privacy policy. The changes, which would allow third-party access to user information, is receiving a chilly reception among members, according to <a href=>Inc.</>


The Perils of Web 2.0

Social media use is on federal IT decisionmakers' list of the biggest security risks, according to a new <a href=>report</a> from Lumension, a security company.

Digital Government

Soundbytes: DISA, Google and the Henhouse

A weekly roundup of comments from All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.


Study: Much of cloud's savings would come from IT job losses

Cost reductions would depend on the number of positions executives would be willing to cut or transfer, but former federal IT officials counter that agencies must move their technology talent to understaffed functions that support their missions.

Digital Government

GSA's new satellite contract a one-stop shop for government

Defense and civilian agencies benefit from flexible procurement, officials say.